Copyright 2005 David FreyJust about every course or book that deals with getting referrals teaches you one single referral method - - "asking" for referrals.
Yes, they'll teach you how you have to give good service and then they give you a formula for asking for referrals and that's all well and good....BUT...
...there's a HUGE problem with this approach. People HATE to ask for referrals. You hate it, I hate it, and
people that get asked hate it.
bottom line is...people won't do what they hate to do. That's just simple human nature.
Asking people for referrals is right up there with asking your friend to come to church with you on Sunday. It's downright uncomfortable.
The sad result is that people don't get even a tiny amount of
referrals they could be getting simply because
whole "asking" process is flawed.
Other Problem with Asking for Referrals... _____________________________________________
Let's just suppose for a moment that you do ask for referrals. Do you ask all your clients and customers? Do you ask them every time you see them?
Probably not.
Because it's not a systematic process for you. There's not a bell that goes "ding!" to remind you to ask for a referral every time you're with a customer.
But if you REALLY want a LOT of referrals. I mean an avalanche of referrals, you need to have a systematic process for getting them.
Referral S - Y - S - T - E - M - S
Systems are business processes that have predictable results and outcomes because they happen
same way ever time, day in and day out.
I like to think of systems using this acronym:
S-ystems save
E-nergy and
If you want to get more referrals you need to implement referral s-y-s-t-e-m-s.
referral system needs to be "transactional" and NOT "relationship-based."
NOTE: I'm about to ruffle a LOT of feathers with this one. It goes against everything you've been taught about getting referrals.
"Transaction-Based" Referrals - The Key to Getting a Consistent, Predictable Flow of Fresh Referrals _______________________________________________________
A lot of people who teach you about getting referrals will tell you that if you nourish your relationship with your customer or client they'll give you referrals.