How to Build Business Credit Despite Your Personal Credit

Written by Karen L. Hardy

Business credit is more of a science than an art. The first rule for this science is that it is notrepparttar same as personal credit.

Many would-be and aspiring business owners are not aware that establishing credit for a business is just as important as establishing personal credit. They also do not realize that a business can have a credit score separate from their personal credit score.

There is a world out there designed specifically forrepparttar 103580 business entity with a whole set of different rules.

Many entrepreneurs start out accumulating excessive personal debt to finance a business. Within a few months or even years, they find thatrepparttar 103581 business is a monster and needs more food, also known as financing.

With credit cards maxxed torepparttar 103582 limit, business owners find themselves in a crunch and searching for ways to raise capital. This is difficult to do whenrepparttar 103583 time is not taken to establish business credit first. Business credit is a crucial first step and foundation to build upon.

First, a business is not real. It really doesn't exist until legal steps and processes are completed to say that it does exist. PEOPLE create businesses that have not been tested, employed or ever earned a paycheck. So, when you start a business and begin looking for financing,repparttar 103584 bank WILL ALWAYS look at your credit because they can touch you (and your job, and your car, and your house...). You have a history. Your business does not.

Can Your Ideas Really Make You a Millionaire?

Written by Jeremy Gislason

What would you say to me if I told you that I ownedrepparttar moon and I'd be willing to sell you some land there at a good price...You'd probably think I were nuts or tell me to get lost, right? Whyrepparttar 103579 heck would anyone buy land onrepparttar 103580 moon? Now, what if I told you that someone has already tried this? And, what if I told you that he is now a multi-millionaire and soon to be a billionaire due to his moon real estate deals?

If this sounds like a joke to you, please read on, because this is no joke. The sale of lunar property has been ongoing for over twenty years byrepparttar 103581 Lunar Embassy, which isrepparttar 103582 only company inrepparttar 103583 world to possess a legal basis and copyright forrepparttar 103584 sale of lunar, and other extraterrestrial property withinrepparttar 103585 confines of our solar system.

The biggest support of this claim has been inrepparttar 103586 form of actual lunar landowners such as two former US presidents, NASA employees and many well-known celebrities such as Tom Hanks and John Travolta.

So, how did I find out about this? While I was watching TV in Japan! Yeah, they had a half hour story on this guy and I just couldn't believe it. Anyways, Dennisrepparttar 103587 founder had been inrepparttar 103588 real estate business back inrepparttar 103589 70's and he had a really hard time. He just couldn't sell and ended up frustrated and destitute in a parking lot sitting in his open top car wondering what to do with his life. While he was looking up atrepparttar 103590 sky he sawrepparttar 103591 moon. He suddenly had an idea strike him. He thought to himself that if he could buy land onrepparttar 103592 moon and sell it, he'd become rich.

So that is exactly what he did. Now, he had a real hard time inrepparttar 103593 beginning. Many lawyers turned him down on his crazy idea but he never gave up. Finally he found a good lawyer that would help him get started legally. Being inrepparttar 103594 moon real estate business meant he had to have strong legal foundations of course.

He and his lawyer discovered thatrepparttar 103595 UN Outer Space Treaty of 1967 stipulated that no government could own extraterrestrial property. However, it neglected to mention individuals and corporations. Therefore, under laws dating back from early US settlers, it was possible to stake a claim for land, and register it withrepparttar 103596 US Government Office of claim registries.

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