How to Brighten Your Decor with Hand Painted Ceramic Tile

Written by Dy Witt

At one time, ceramic tile was only forrepparttar wealthy. No more. Today, forrepparttar 140508 same price as you will pay for manufactured cast resin, imitation marble or other polymer, you can have a one-of-a-kind piece of fine art, made by an American artist who is willing to work with YOUR ideas and concepts. Suppose you love plants and flowers, butrepparttar 140509 wall over your sink inrepparttar 140510 kitchen has no window? Tellrepparttar 140511 artist your favorites, she will paint your favorite ferns or perennials, in a basket or within its own little garden. What if you moved south and miss your paper birch trees so badly? A mural over your bathroom sink of these gorgeous white and black trees, with or without surrounding fall foliage, will guarantee a lifetime ofrepparttar 140512 perfect view. No wall space for a mural? How about accent tiles placed every foot or so of your favorite cooking herbs in an 1800's style, right out ofrepparttar 140513 Farmer's Almanac? Or an easy-to-clean backsplash behindrepparttar 140514 kitchen sink of fruits connected by flowering vines all in a lively color scheme?

The best part about tile is you only have to do it once. You choose timeless and tireless motifs and place them where you need something durable. Side-by-side with gold, ceramic isrepparttar 140515 most durable substance we know. What else has told usrepparttar 140516 history of human culture as accurately? Nothingrepparttar 140517 manufacturers have come up with can surpass ceramic tile for lasting beauty. Nothing.

Working with an artist as opposed to a factory has many benefits. The artist has sentimental memories too, and usually doesrepparttar 140518 work she does for other reasons than moving out volumes of product for profit, so she is more than happy to fill your space with warm homey decoration. We all have a favorite old pattern or print, maybe Grandma's stitching or an old tapestry. Everything eventually wears out and must be discarded. Except ceramic. Have it painted on tile and installed for all time.

Concrete Cutting - Adding a Pre-Cast Concrete Stairway Bulkhead to your Home

Written by Robert Short

Installing a pre-cast concrete stairway to your home's basement is actually quite an easy project forrepparttar advanced do-it-yourselfer or anyone that can coordinate a couple of sub contractors. Doing so will add a water tight weather proof egress to your basement that, in many cases, is necessary to comply with local building codes during a remodel. Either way, this newly added entrance will add much more function to your home and your basement.

First of all it is probably a good idea to explain what pre-cast concrete is. Pre-cast concrete is simply concrete that has been mixed, formed and vibrated in a very controlled "plant" type environment and then delivered or trucked to its final destination and installed. Despiterepparttar 139901 fact that some pre-cast concrete products are much thinner than conventional "poured in place" applications does not mean thatrepparttar 139902 pre-cast products are any less quality and torepparttar 139903 contrary they are usually much more durable.

In order to orchestrate this project you are going to need a hole dug, a doorway opening cut into your foundation andrepparttar 139904 actual pre-cast concrete bulkhead delivered and installed. Your first step is to locate a pre-cast concrete product dealer. A pre-cast concrete dealer can be located in your local phonebook, or better yet, your online yellow pages. Once you have located a reputable dealer you need to visitrepparttar 139905 pre-cast manufacturers showroom, which usually consists of a giant field full of stairs, bulkheads and culverts. You need to chooserepparttar 139906 size and style that is right for your project. A standard pre-cast bulkhead will generally cost less than $1000 and this includesrepparttar 139907 steel bulkhead cover and installation.

Once you have chosenrepparttar 139908 right product be sure to ask for a worksheet or specification sheet that comes with your particular product. This "spec sheet" will tell you how much digging needs to be done and what size doorway your concrete cutter needs to cut inrepparttar 139909 foundation. The digging can be done using several methods. You can dig it by hand with a pick and shovel (not recommended), you can rent a small excavator (cost about $300) from a tool rental outfit and userepparttar 139910 machine to dig it out or you can call a professional excavation contractor and have them dig it out for you (cost between $300 and $500). I highly recommend hiring a professional excavator for this part ofrepparttar 139911 project. This process will take a professional less than a few hours and you can shop around forrepparttar 139912 best price. Please Note: Be sure to notify your areas "DIG SAFE" program and have them come out and locate any hidden underground utilities before you start your excavation. Also, keep in mind that your excavator will have to remove and dispose of about 50% ofrepparttar 139913 dirt that he/she removes fromrepparttar 139914 hole becauserepparttar 139915 bulkhead to be installed will take up about that much volume of space. If this is not feasible, you may be able to use this dirt somewhere else on your property or you may be able to give it to one of your neighbors. Either way, fill dirt is a very needed and sought after commodity. Hencerepparttar 139916 old saying: Phil Dirt...the most wanted man in America.

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