How to Be a Professional Writer

Written by L. C. Peterson

In my first ten years as a part-time writer I sold 400 manuscripts; including two books and a monthly column. This was accomplished with no English or writing degree or experience. I have been asked "How did I publish so many manuscripts so quickly? " Here's what I did.

In my study ofrepparttar freelance writing field and my experience selling, I discovered eight basic steps that showed I was serious as a writer. Apply these steps to your work and editors will see you as a professional writer they can depend on.

-Bring a business mind to your work. Writing is a business.

-Act professionally. Don't be too casual in your conversations or appearance. For example, when first selling don't mention or make excuses for your lack of sales.

Fonts: How to Choose Between Them

Written by Tim North

Choosing a font is something that most of us give little thought to. After all, most fonts are more or lessrepparttar same, right? Let's face it, most writing is presented in a stock-standard font like Times New Roman or Arial.

Why isrepparttar 129349 choice of font important? ------------------------------------ There are many differences between fonts: some obvious, some subtle. As well as settingrepparttar 129350 mood of what we write, these differences can have significant effects on legibility.

In this article, we'll classify fonts in several different ways and comparerepparttar 129351 effects that these have on legibility. Let's start by comparing serif and sans-serif fonts.

Serif versus sans-serif fonts ----------------------------- Start up a word processor and type a letter "h". Change it to a large size (say 72 points) and use Times New Roman as your font. Noticerepparttar 129352 three small cross strokes atrepparttar 129353 ends ofrepparttar 129354 strokes. These are called serif. Fonts that provide these are said to be serif fonts. Fonts that do not are sans-serif fonts. ("Sans" isrepparttar 129355 French word for without.)

Now changerepparttar 129356 font to Arial, Helvetica or Verdana. These are all sans-serif fonts. Notice thatrepparttar 129357 three small cross strokes have disappeared.

Serif fonts, all things being equal, are easier to read.

This is becauserepparttar 129358 serif makesrepparttar 129359 individual letters more distinctive and thus easier for our brains to recognise quickly. Withoutrepparttar 129360 serif,repparttar 129361 brain has to spend longer identifying a letter because its shape is less distinct.

An important proviso must be made, however. Onrepparttar 129362 low resolution of a computer screen, very small serif text (say 10 points or less) might actually be harder to read than corresponding sans serif becauserepparttar 129363 more complex shapes of serif characters cannot be accurately drawn in sizes this small.

Deciding whether to use a serif or sans serif font is still a personal choice, however, and no hard-and-fast rules apply. Even though serif fonts are usually easier to read, you might prefer a sans-serif font for a particular document if you feel that it sets an appropriate mood. Sans-serif fonts are often thought to look more modern.

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