How the kidney, lungs, and lymphatic system keep you acne free

Written by Rudy Silva

The kidney

The purpose ofrepparttar two kidneys is to filterrepparttar 144372 water in your blood asrepparttar 144373 blood passes throughrepparttar 144374 kidneys. About 4 gallons of water are filtered every day but only around 3 pints are pulled out as urine.

Alcohol and sugar arerepparttar 144375 most damaging torepparttar 144376 kidney since they kill kidney cells and weakenrepparttar 144377 kidney function.

Water isrepparttar 144378 major wayrepparttar 144379 body keeps toxins from accumulating inrepparttar 144380 body and skin. You need to drink plenty of clean water daily sorepparttar 144381 kidneys can remove toxins and excess nutrients, vitamins, and minerals fromrepparttar 144382 blood.

When you drink plenty of water,repparttar 144383 skin does not have to act as a filter to filter out excess waste fromrepparttar 144384 blood since it is been filter and excreted, as urine, by your kidney.

Water also is needed to keep your skin moist. Water inrepparttar 144385 skin layers helps to protectrepparttar 144386 skin from bacteria and toxins that try to pass into your skin.

The more fresh juices you drink andrepparttar 144387 more fruit or vegetables you eat,repparttar 144388 less water you need to drink. All juices contain plenty of distilled water, which contributes to your daily water requirement.

Drinking sodas and other drinks that have sugar cannot be counted as water.

The Lungs

You have two large sacs that are called your lungs. As you breathe in air,repparttar 144389 lungs pull oxygen out ofrepparttar 144390 air, which is captured by your blood, routed to your liver, moved into your heart and then moved into all parts of your body.

As you breathe out, waste and carbon dioxide are pushed out through your mouth.

Your cells use oxygen to create energy for you to live by. You need energy for every movement your body does. Oxygen is also used to neutralize toxins, waste and pathogen. The more toxins, acid waste and pathogens you have in your body,repparttar 144391 more oxygen is used up to neutralize them. This means you will have less oxygen for cell, organ and other body functions.

Ifrepparttar 144392 other elimination channels are weak and overloaded,repparttar 144393 lungs will also become overloaded trying to get rid of toxic wasterepparttar 144394 other channels cannot get rid of.

When your lungs become overloaded with toxins or become weak, more waste stays inrepparttar 144395 body, making your body more toxic, acidic and susceptible to disease and infections. If you have kidney weakness, liver weakness, lung weakness mostly likely you will have skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, acne, and many other types of skin disorders.

Relieving hemorrhoids with natural remedies part I

Written by Rudy Silva

Here are a variety of natural remedies that you can use to relief from your hemorrhoids. You can try one until you find one that works for you. Remember that every person is different and you need to findrepparttar remedy that works for you.

Cranberry Poultice

For relief of hemorrhoids within an hour, here what you can do:

• Blend 3-4 tablespoons of raw cranberries. • Wrap a tablespoon of this blend or so in some cheesecloth. • Push it up against your anus and keep it there with some tight underwear. • After an hour or so replace it with a new batch of berries and cloth.

Apply these berries twice and do itrepparttar 144371 next day if necessary. Geranium-Lavender essential oil mixture

Combine 2-3 drops of lavender to one or two drops of Geranium with one ounce of almond oil. Place this combination in a dark brown bottle with a dropper top. After shaking this combination, use a few drops on your fingers and apply it directly onrepparttar 144372 skin surrounding your anus.

Garlic and Onions

Garlic and onions can be used as a suppository. Using them will help to strengthenrepparttar 144373 veins, kill bacteria in that area, and reduce inflammation.

Peel a small garlic or onion. Reducerepparttar 144374 size ofrepparttar 144375 onion to a garlic clove size. Just before bed, push either garlic or onion just slightly into your rectum and not to far. Your regular bowel movement will remove them inrepparttar 144376 morning.

Do not use this method if your hemorrhoids have been bleeding or are bleeding. Wait for this area to heal.

Liquid Lecithin

Apply liquid lecithin torepparttar 144377 hemorrhoids 1 to 2 times a day. Do this for 2-3 days. Continue its use until you getrepparttar 144378 relief you want from your hemorrhoid condition.

Ice Pack

To get quick relief from hemorrhoid pain and swelling prepare an ice pack as follows:

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