How the Rich Invest Their Time

Written by Aaron Kater

If you don’t seem to have enough time in your day, you might want to invest some of it and read this article to find out how to create more valuable time in your day.

The rich are rich in part because they know how to invest their time wisely to create more time to find and build investments. To do this, they know exactly how to prioritizerepparttar things they have to do inrepparttar 116461 normal day:

Instead of doingrepparttar 116462 piddling things first, such as cleaning a minor mess, dropping off something, picking something up, ironing, or laundry (unless it’s critical!), or things like that, they dorepparttar 116463 most important/time-consuming things possible first; things like spending a set amount of time searching for a good investment property, things like investing time developing and promoting their website that pulls in extra cash, buying vending machines to place in shops, or, even more important than any of these things that will pull in money, investing time developing a deeper relationship with their family, and even more importantly, with God.

If you would like to know how to develop a deeper and closer relationship with God, or if you’re interested in learning how to develop a relationship with Him inrepparttar 116464 first place, please look for my article How The Rich Develop A Deeper Relationship With God.

To earn or create money, you need to have time. Time isrepparttar 116465 most crucial of allrepparttar 116466 things needed to become rich and/or wealthy. Even if you have plenty of money to invest, if you have no spare time to put it in an investment, allrepparttar 116467 money is good for is paying off bills, rather than putting it to work earning money to payrepparttar 116468 bills for you, without having to work.

Another extremely critical thing

When It's Time to Go Full Time

Written by John Calder

© 2004, John Calder

Almost every Internet marketer who works at a regular job full time, and builds an Internet marketing business part time, dreams ofrepparttar day when they can say goodbye to their day job and become a full time marketer. The carrot of working to your own schedule, having no boss to answer to, not having to commute through stop and go traffic, is always dangling in front of them, spurring them to work long hours building their online business. Indeed, that lifestyle is a big reason many people become Internet marketers inrepparttar 116460 first place. After reaching a certain degree of sustained success,repparttar 116461 day will come when our marketer is ready to makerepparttar 116462 big leap to full time self employment.

Before doing that, you should make very cautious, comprehensive plans, based on your family circumstances, financial condition, goals, your target market,repparttar 116463 economy, and life's uncertainties. This isrepparttar 116464 time to facerepparttar 116465 toughest, harshest, coldest reality you can muster. Forgetrepparttar 116466 pie inrepparttar 116467 sky dreams, and look at bottom line numbers. Your profits, real and projected, will need to replace your income, so you want to make sure you thoroughly understand and trust whatrepparttar 116468 numbers are telling you.

In particular, you will want a strong financial cushion before leaving your day job. You'll need to replace health and life insurance, vacations, and other benefits you may lose, and you'll need money to cover living expenses while continuing to build your business to a higher income level. Fortunately, starting an Internet business doesn't have to be expensive, and since you started part-time, most ofrepparttar 116469 expense outlays have probably already been made.

Those with a spouse or partner who works outsiderepparttar 116470 home, and who is willing to continue in their job in order to provide cash flow and benefits, have a decided advantage in this area. Even so, they should review their financial circumstances thoroughly before making this big decision.

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