How the Protein Diet Works

Written by K. Perry

Protein is an essential nutrient necessary for maintaining good health. In its basic form protein consists of amino acid chains. Ofrepparttar 22 amino acids that are capable of creating protein, 8 of these can only be obtained through a protein diet. Because these amino acids are utilized byrepparttar 141837 body a low protein diet can affect a host of very important functions. The building of our skin, hair, nails and internals organs all depend on amino acids and are maintained trough a protein diet.

Muscle tissue as well as new tissue growth need protein for their activities and can receive adequate levels with a protein diet. Protein intake from a high protein diet helps to transport nutrients and oxygen to our cells. The valuable protein diet aids and maintains antibody production.

The protein sources available to us for inclusion in a high protein diet include animal and plant based proteins. Animal proteins are found in meat, fish, cheese eggs and milk. Plant protein sources include soy, spirulina and organic whey protein diet products. While it is certainly important that we include a balanced intake of protein in our diet, many people eat too much animal based protein.

This type of high protein diet could have adverse health effects, which appear as disease and obesity. Many individuals who follow an excessively high animal based protein diet are overweight and often unhealthy. People on an animal based high protein diet often have elevated bad cholesterol levels.

Heart disease, strokes and osteoporosis are oftenrepparttar 141838 result of an excessive animal based high protein diet. It is therefore important that a well-balanced protein diet is maintained. By replacing part or all of our animal protein diet with plant proteins we can be assured that our body requirements are being met. A plant protein diet can help us to avoidrepparttar 141839 health problems associated with an excessive animal protein diet.

The Effects of Creatine Supplements on your body

Written by K. Perry

The skeletal muscle component known as creatine is not only available as creatine supplement. Several other sources besides creatine supplement can benefit us withrepparttar effects of creatine. Firstly, creatine is produced naturally inrepparttar 141836 body through amino acid action, which occurs when food is processed.

Glycine, arginine and methionine acids work in combination withinrepparttar 141837 liver and kidneys to produce creatine. If natural creatine levels need to be elevated for any reason it is possible to do so by taking a creatine supplement. Our food intake is another way to enjoyrepparttar 141838 full effects of creatine. Fish, meat and poultry all contain creatine. When combining creatine supplement withrepparttar 141839 correct nutrition and exercise,repparttar 141840 full muscle enhancing effects of creatine supplement can be seen. An intake of creatine supplement has been shown to increaserepparttar 141841 available muscle energy. Body cells store energy in a molecular form called Adenosine TriPhosphate, or ATP.

A creatine supplement aids these ATP activities. The amount of work achieved byrepparttar 141842 muscles is in direct relation torepparttar 141843 amount of ATP available in storage. Taking a creatine supplement ensures smooth muscular function. By decreasingrepparttar 141844 regeneration time of ATP, creatine supplement can help sustainrepparttar 141845 force generated during an intense work out. Energy levels quickly rise when ATP is restored by creatine supplement. Readily available energy is released on demand by creatine supplement for extreme physical exertions.

The effects of creatine supplement are then felt as stamina is increased. Athletes working with weight lifting and sprint training benefit from creatine supplement due to this energy availability.

Greater physical endurance and increased peak power strength arerepparttar 141846 result of creatine supplement. Because creatine supplement creates a cellular environment conducive to improved muscle growthrepparttar 141847 effects of creatine are increased performance ability. Muscles are filled and hardened by creatine supplement and they stay pumped for longer, provingrepparttar 141848 effects of creatine.

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