Email marketing offers
unique opportunity of direct contact without
hassles of paper-based mailings. Delivery is instant and response can be as quick circumventing
usual pace of snail mail. Email marketing is used in three distinct ways:To inform customers about offers, discounts and
To send updated information on a companyˇ¦s products and services
To send free informative articles and write-ups to maintain contact and build customer loyalty.
Email marketing strategies of
future are set to undergo a dramatic change and much of this can be attributed to software advances in email marketing tools. Before we understand how, we need to first put in perspective
key issues in any email marketing program.
Who do you target: Identifying Your prospects
How often: The frequency with which you email them
What will you say to them: email content
Tracking results
Indications are that software advances will positively impact all these aspects of email marketing.
The impact of software advances on email marketing trends
Rising to
demands of business users, service providers offer improved features and advanced email-marketing capabilities. The advanced capabilities have been studied for each of
4 key issues in email marketing outlined above:
Who do you target: Identifying your prospects
—Targeting messages by segments using advanced database and search options: You can vary messages by geographic area, by purchase history, and if available in your opt-in list- by demographics and lifestyle. Software features allow you to easily identify specific type of customers for customized promotions. You can mail customers who purchased Product "XYZ" a complementary offer for a new Product. —List Management & Filtering Tools to organize your Opt-in lists, you can also merge more than one opt-in lists and duplicated addresses get automatically removed.
How often: The frequency with which you email them
You will be able to fix
month, week, day, and even
hour that email messages go out to prospects. You can schedule
exact dates for an autoresponder series
What will you say to them: email content?
Email content is developing into ˇ§made of internetˇ¨ material as writers become savvier with this medium
—More visual oriented and high impact glitziness is envisaged using animation features to make
email messages more appealing.