How mental attitude and digestion affect acne

Written by Rudy Silva

Mental attitude

Acne is an expression of toxins inrepparttar body that are not being released through normal channels of elimination, so they come out throughrepparttar 144374 skin. Since mental attitude and thoughts cannot be separate fromrepparttar 144375 body, thoughts and feelings are also being expressed as acne.

Negative thoughts and feelings produce chemicals that are toxic acids. Just like toxic acids created inrepparttar 144376 colon,repparttar 144377 toxic thoughts need to be eliminated throughrepparttar 144378 5 elimination channels

Acne can be an expression suppressed past traumatic experiences. As a child, when you were exposed to experiences that overwhelm you – constant mental, physical, or sexually abuse, you suppress them. So now as an adult, as your defense system weakens, you’re not able to completely suppress this information, so it becomes expressed as acne or other skin disorders. Of course, these suppressed experiences can be expressed as other diseases.

Acne can also be related torepparttar 144379 emotion of fear or anxiety. It can also be an expression of holding onto old junkie or unpleasant memories. It’s a way of holding on to and buryingrepparttar 144380 junkie or toxic memory into your face. It is these memories that are trying to surface and, in an usual way, asking you to face them. Many times, you and other people may not want to remember them or deal with them.

To deal with them requires a lot of strength and help from a psychotherapist.

Stomach Acid

Your stomach uses Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to break down protein. It also has many other functions,

* Kills pathogens and microbes and prevents them from getting intorepparttar 144381 colon and blood * Controlsrepparttar 144382 adsorption of B12 * Controlsrepparttar 144383 adsorption of iron calcium zinc, copper, magnesium and most B-complex vitamins * Controlsrepparttar 144384 adsorption of vitamin C * Created indigestion * Prevents constipation

Getting more minerals from your fruits and vegetables

Written by Rudy Silva

Beforerepparttar thirties, people knewrepparttar 144373 importance of minerals. Their soil was rich in minerals and they ate plenty of vegetables grown in these soils. When vitamins were discovered during this time, people began to forget aboutrepparttar 144374 important of minerals and started their fascination with vitamins.

Today becauserepparttar 144375 soil is highly depleted of minerals, our vegetables are lacking in these life-giving nutrients. It is now necessary to consider how you can get more minerals in your bodyrepparttar 144376 natural way. Here are some things you can do to get more minerals:

·buy organic farm products ·eat fruits and vegetable without peeling them ·eat fruits and vegetable raw ·cook fruits and vegetable with a minimum of water and temperature

Organic Farm Products

There are some major grocery markets that now sell organic vegetables. However, these vegetables are much higher in price, so that it discourages most people from buying, even though these vegetables are better for them.

By going to farmers markets, you will find many organic fruits and vegetables. The prices here will be almostrepparttar 144377 same as what you pay for non-organic food at a regular market. When buying produce at a farmers market, askrepparttar 144378 vendor if his produce is pesticide sprayed, if he doesn’t have an "Organically Grown" certification sign.

When buying dried fruit, like apricots, make sure that you buy those are prepared with no or little sulphur. There is clinical evidence that sulfate-reducing bacteria, which exists in our colon can contribute to colon diseases - IBS, colitis, or Chiron's disease. The sulfate that reaches our colon comes from eating an excess of meat and eating and drinking food products that have sulfur and sulfur dioxide - dried fruits, jams, sodas, and many other products. Look for sulfur compounds and sulfur dioxide onrepparttar 144379 food label, and then avoid eating these products.

Peeling Fruits and Vegetables

Most vitamins and minerals in many fruits and vegetables lie right underneathrepparttar 144380 outer peel. For this reason it is best not to peel certain fruits or vegetables to gainrepparttar 144381 most benefit of that produce. But make surerepparttar 144382 produce that you don't peel is organic. Don't peel apples, carrots, cucumbers, squash, broccoli stocks, celery, pears, nectarines, or tomatoes. Eating Raw Produce

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