How a Thank You Letter Can Increase Your Chance of Acing a Job Interview

Written by Hendry Lee

How a Thank You Letter Can Increase Your Chance of Acing a Job Interview

In this highly competitive job market, to be called in for an interview is something many jobseekers will celebrate.

After a job interview, to makerepparttar most out ofrepparttar 103854 process, you should writerepparttar 103855 interviewer a letter expressing appreciation and thanks forrepparttar 103856 interview conducted. It is best to write within 48 hours, although it depends on your situations.

Ifrepparttar 103857 interviewer tells you he/she will make a decision tomorrow, you should use e-mail to send a thank you note promptly. There are interviewers who prefer to follow up by e-mail. Make sure you noticed and act appropriately.

Onrepparttar 103858 other hand, ifrepparttar 103859 job you're applying involve doing personalized work for clients, you may want to send a handwritten note on a nice card. Handwritten note gives more personal touch.

Basically,repparttar 103860 purpose ofrepparttar 103861 letter is to: - show your appreciation forrepparttar 103862 interviewer's time and interest in you. - remindrepparttar 103863 interviewer about you, mention or clarify something you forget to say inrepparttar 103864 interview. - emphasize your qualifications forrepparttar 103865 position and how you can contribute torepparttar 103866 company. - show that you have good manners and takerepparttar 103867 interview seriously. - follow up with any informationrepparttar 103868 employer asked you to provide afterrepparttar 103869 interview. - getrepparttar 103870 attention ofrepparttar 103871 interviewer.

Top Ten Tips for Preparing a Workshop or Seminar Proposal

Written by Tara Kachaturoff, Executive Coach

One way to build your business is to create interest and interaction with potential customers or clients. Offering a workshop or a seminar is a great way to get started. You can offer a workshop anywhere, butrepparttar best place to get started is by contacting your local adult education or community center. These organizations often offer classes, workshops, and seminars and advertise them torepparttar 103853 local community both through printed catalogs and on their websites. You always haverepparttar 103854 option to rent your own meeting room and do your own advertising, but if you want an easy, no cost entry point and wantrepparttar 103855 added benefit of having someone else promote you and your workshop, try going through an established community program first. Here are some helpful hints to get you started.

1. Research thoroughly.

If you don’t want to supply your own meeting venue and you want someone to help with advertising, then you need to find a place to present your workshop or seminar. Contact various community organizations, adult education and other programs in your local area. Ask for a copy of their most recent brochure or check their website. Familiarize yourself withrepparttar 103856 classes that are offered,repparttar 103857 pricing conventions, class lengths, times and other pertinent information. Also inquire as to when proposals are due. Often you must submit a proposal 4 to 6 months in advance ofrepparttar 103858 course catalog issue date. Adult education programs usually have strict guidelines around submitting proposals, signing contracts, and prohibitions on advertising your business or giving out business cards. Also, find out about their fee splitting policies. Programs hold back some of your fee to pay for printing and advertising costs as well as forrepparttar 103859 costs of providing a room and equipment. Usually, you will receive only a portion ofrepparttar 103860 class fee (perhaps a 50%-50%, 60%-40% or some other split arrangement) in payment, but will be allowed to retain 100% ofrepparttar 103861 materials fee.

2. Getting Started.

Most likely you will be competing with many other prospective presenters. There usually isn’t enough space, either in terms ofrepparttar 103862 published catalog that many organizations distribute, or with regard to room accommodations, such that everyone’s proposals will be accepted. To increase your chances, make sure you thoroughly understandrepparttar 103863 proposal requirements and guidelines. Find out if you need to submit a resume, professional references or even a copy ofrepparttar 103864 course materials, in addition to your proposal. If this is your first application, most likely you will be required to attend an in-person interview. Remember, you only get one opportunity to make a good first impression.

3. One sheet wonder.

Takerepparttar 103865 time to design a one page proposal template which will include allrepparttar 103866 pertinent information relating to your proposed seminar or workshop. Your class has a better chance of being accepted when reviewers can easily read, find, and understandrepparttar 103867 information. Sometimes less can be more.

4. Describe your workshop.

Create a captivating title for your class which refers to your target audience and features some benefit they can expect from your class. One example of a class title is, “Parents: 10 Techniques to Raise Your Child’s Grades in 30 Days!” This tellsrepparttar 103868 reader whorepparttar 103869 class is for – parents, that it has content – 10 techniques, and what they can do with that information – raise their child’s grades. Write a short description ofrepparttar 103870 class, using plenty of action words and adjectives that can be printed inrepparttar 103871 organization’s course catalog. For example:

Discoverrepparttar 103872 underlying factors that draw people to one another in business and personal relationships. From having strong boundaries and standards, to creatingrepparttar 103873 space to allow someone special into your life, learnrepparttar 103874 7 techniques to becoming irresistibly attractive. (actual workshop taught by Tara Kachaturoff)

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