How a Custom Designed Website Can Help Your Business

Written by Sherry Holub

Overrepparttar years,repparttar 145910 internet has grown into a marvelous avenue to promote your business. In my last article, "Why Your Business Needs to Have an Internet Presence" (, I discussed 5 valid reasons why your business needs a website. In this article, I discuss some things to avoid and how a custom, professional website can help your business succeed.

Professional isrepparttar 145911 key. Remember,repparttar 145912 internet has a global reach. Some of your new potential clientele may be learning of your business forrepparttar 145913 first time by visiting your website andrepparttar 145914 old cliché, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression", still rings true.

When a business makesrepparttar 145915 decision to gain an internet presence, whether they arerepparttar 145916 largest corporation orrepparttar 145917 smallest home business, they may be tempted to take what appears to berepparttar 145918 "easy way" to getrepparttar 145919 company website up and running fast. The three major potential pitfalls here are:

1)Some hosting comes with "do it yourself" capabilities and pre-made templates. Although this is a great way to upload photos of your summer vacation for your family and friends to see, this is not a good way to make that great first impression for your business. In short, these "solutions" really do not present a professional image, and often use very minimal templates and overall poor layout and design.

2)Many companies now sell website "templates" for low cost, making it easy for you to get up and running quickly. While this is true (you can get up and running quickly and many of these companies do sell more professional designs), you runrepparttar 145920 risk of other businesses using that SAME design. And to buy a "unique" copy ofrepparttar 145921 templaterepparttar 145922 cost is often just as, or more expensive, than if you were to hire a professional company to create a custom design for you.

3)Complete websites for $100! This may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I have actually seen advertisements for complete websites for very low prices. You must remember that you are investing in your business when you decide to have a custom website developed, and you really do get what you pay for. A professional design firm creates original designs, from scratch, tailor-made for each individual client - andrepparttar 145923 prices for that work can vary a lot, but do expect to pay a reasonable amount forrepparttar 145924 services.

These three potential pitfalls aside,repparttar 145925 process of getting your business ontorepparttar 145926 World Wide Web does not have to be a confusing, time-consuming, and costly affair. Below is a succinct outline ofrepparttar 145927 process.

1)First, you need to design on your domain name for your website. Avoid names with "-" in them and very long names. Try to be as succinct as possible. It is easiest for your visitors to remember a URL that is your company name, or atrepparttar 145928 very least, keywords that describe your company. For instance, if your business is ABC Accounting, you could consider or something such as You may find that your first (and second!) choice for a domain name may already be taken, so you may have to get creative. Just remember that a domain name that reflects your business is key.

Business Benefits of the Web Standards

Written by Edward Clarke

Why your business benefits from adhering torepparttar web standards

Web standards are created to give benefits torepparttar 145805 developer andrepparttar 145806 visitor. As a business, your website must be accessible, usable, attractive and convey a message of trust and professionalism. Getting this right can be both expensive and difficult if done outside ofrepparttar 145807 W3 standards.

Let's look atrepparttar 145808 main benefits of web standards.


Valid XHTML and CSS will ensure that a site is constructed in a way that seperatesrepparttar 145809 content from presentation.

There are huge business gains to be had from this method such as less maintenance, more control, lower costs etc., but importantly, accessible content. Not everyone uses a common browser to accessrepparttar 145810 web and a valid site will mean your information will haverepparttar 145811 widest potential audience.


Semantic markup creates a usable website. We have all seen cluttered sites with no per-page focus, navigation that leads you intorepparttar 145812 abyss and forces URL amendments as well as document structure that makes a web page unreadable and hard to follow. You have a point to make. Every page has a focus andrepparttar 145813 content is clear. Web standards will ensure that people get torepparttar 145814 point of your site, quickly and effortlessly.


We are inrepparttar 145815 21st century and there are now a wider range of platforms, devices and browsers than ever before. More and more people are accessingrepparttar 145816 internet and due to this diversity, building a website by following guidelines isrepparttar 145817 only way to ensure uniformity.

Substantially increased performance

By removing formatting fromrepparttar 145818 markup, you can reducerepparttar 145819 file sizes of your website which means people with slower connections or users from aroundrepparttar 145820 globe have a better browsing experience. Using tables for layout can sometimes treblerepparttar 145821 file sizes as positioning requires attributes to table cells and occasionally invisble images forcing layouts to look "correct". CSS can acheive this and more from a light weight text file that when cached, will not need reloading further increasing performance.

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