How You Can Unite Meditation, Divine Essence and Personal Tenacity to Serve Your Highest Purpose on This Earth

Written by Burt Dubin

1. Meditation:

Meditation is a sacred practice. Shamans, gurus, priests, medicine men and other wise beings have practiced meditation for over 5000 years. Inrepparttar 20th century, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi popularized one form of meditation he named Transcendental Meditation, This is a simple form of mantra meditation, easy to learn and to do.

We meditate by sitting quietly, eyes open, and concentrating on an image such as a mandala, or a candle, or sitting with closed eyes, and, in either case, repeating a mantra. A mantra is not a word. A mantra is a sound. Different sounds, repeated over and over and over again, affect energies withinrepparttar 123370 body, each in its own way.

There are many ways to meditate. In most instances, you sit quietly. Teachers may recommend different postures. These includerepparttar 123371 lotus position in whichrepparttar 123372 Buddha is often depicted. Diverse cultures recommend various deployments ofrepparttar 123373 fingers. (one example: thumbs and forefingers lightly touching, palms up.)

When we meditate, we slow down our brain waves. We change them fromrepparttar 123374 beta state, (22 cycles per second in normal waking consciousness) torepparttar 123375 alpha state (11 cycles per second.)

This slower vibration opens up access torepparttar 123376 subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, opens awareness of our otherwise inaccessible higher consciousness. To higher consciousness as well as to universal intelligence.

2. Divine Essence:

When a person’s intentions are pure, they surrender selflessly to their higher purpose in life. They surrender themselves inrepparttar 123377 service ofrepparttar 123378 creator of us all. Diverse cultures variously callrepparttar 123379 creator God, some Allah, somerepparttar 123380 Great Spirit, some Our Heavenly Father, some use various other names, all meaningrepparttar 123381 supreme intelligence,repparttar 123382 creator ofrepparttar 123383 universe, of all that is.

What is NLP?

Written by Roger Ellerton Phd, ISP, CMC

As a certified NLP trainer, I am often asked ‘What is NLP?'

The term NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and was coined inrepparttar early seventies by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. They began their work by studying: Fritz Perls, psychotherapist and originator ofrepparttar 123369 Gestalt school of therapy, Virginia Satir, well-known family therapist and Milton Erickson, a world-famous hypnotherapist. Their intention was to model outstanding therapists (i.e. identify patterns) in order that others could use these patterns to generate similar results. You may say that NLP is about identifying excellence, and then devising means for others to use those patterns to achieve similar results.

And NLP is more than that.

NLP also draws on earlier work, such as Ivan Pavlov's conditioned reflexes (1904). In NLP this is called anchoring. You could say that NLP takes theoretical results developed by others and makes them available to you and me so that we can improve our lives and well-being.

And NLP is more than that.

NLP had its origins in therapy and is now applied in all areas of human endeavour - education, health, sports, business, andrepparttar 123370 list goes on. For a list of NLP books and audiotapes, please see

And NLP is much more than that.

Let us look atrepparttar 123371 terms Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Neuro refers to your brain and your neurology. It is about how you take in information. For example, you can use your eyes to see something. Other ways to experience an event include: hear, kinesthetic (tactile touch or emotional feeling), gustatory (taste) and olfactory (smell).

Linguistic refers torepparttar 123372 language -- pictures, sounds, feelings (kinesthetic), tastes, smells and words -- that you use to remember a particular experience (or to forecast a future experience). For example, did you have breakfast this morning? When you remember having breakfast, can you see a picture in your mind, can you hear sounds (maybe a radio was on or someone said something to you), what about tastes and smells, how were you feeling - happy, tired, excited?

For a future experience, do you see yourself being successful? Or failing? The pictures, sounds, feelings, tastes, smells and words that you use to describe future experiences have a bearing on what actually happens! You do create your own reality!

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