How You Can Double, Triple, or Even Quadruple Your Reading Speed!

Written by Royane Real

Are you drowning in a sea of unread papers? Do you feel frustrated because you cannot keep up with your reading assignments? You may have wondered if you should take a speed-reading course. Or can you learn to improve your reading ability by yourself?

The good news is that if you are committed and actually dorepparttar work, you can develop your own speed-reading program at home. You can greatly increase your reading speed without sacrificing comprehension.

How do you start to improve your reading speed? The first step is to determine what your current reading speed is.

Find some reading material to practice with, such as an article in a magazine, or use a chapter of a book. Set a timer for a short period, such as five or ten minutes. Start reading at your regular speed, and see how far you can get inrepparttar 109221 time allotted. Do not try to read faster or slower than normal;repparttar 109222 object here is to find out what your regular reading speed is. Whenrepparttar 109223 time is finished, markrepparttar 109224 page so you know exactly how far you read. You will need to count how many words you read in this amount of time.

Now, usingrepparttar 109225 same article setrepparttar 109226 timer again, forrepparttar 109227 same number of minutes. Start atrepparttar 109228 point in your article where you left offrepparttar 109229 last time. Do not re-read exactlyrepparttar 109230 same material that you have just finished.

This time, concentrate on reading much faster than you didrepparttar 109231 first time. Go as fast as you can while still taking in every word and maintaining your comprehension. Calculate your reading speed and compare it to your first effort. Did your score improve? Try again, striving to read even faster without sacrificing comprehension.

If your performance has measurably speeded up, notice whether you feel relaxed or tense. Are you telling yourself that reading fast is hard? Many ofrepparttar 109232 roadblocks you face in going faster are mental, in your mind, and can be changed.

Many people have developed bad reading habits that slow them down. See if you make any ofrepparttar 109233 following errors.

When you read, do you read word for word? Or do you sweep your eyes across phrases and sentences? Trying to take in every single word will slow you down and even interfere with your comprehension. Why? Because inrepparttar 109234 English language,repparttar 109235 meaning of sentences is built up from groups of words, fromrepparttar 109236 way phrases and clauses are put together. Halting at every single word can keep you from absorbingrepparttar 109237 meaning ofrepparttar 109238 entire sentence.

You can actually take inrepparttar 109239 meaning of a sentence better by using your eyes to sweep across phrases and clauses, rather than slowing down to take in each word separately.

A very common bad reading habit is called “sub-vocalization”. You have probably noticed that many young children who are just learning to read will sound out syllables and words to themselves. Many people continue to do this even as adults. The habit of sub-vocalization is a drag on your potential reading speed because your brain can take in and process information much faster than you can sub-vocalize.

Encouraging Your Student Violinist to Practice

Written by Leah Megiel

9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm, — Practice Time, What’srepparttar Big Deal?

If you find yourself immersed in violin tuning, violin fingering charts and perhaps Suzuki music you may findrepparttar 109220 following helpful.

This short article isrepparttar 109221 first in a series aimed at shedding some light on this mystery of encouraging your child to enjoy, maybe even look forward to violin practice time.

If you can relate to any ofrepparttar 109222 following statements, please don’t tellrepparttar 109223 rest of us!

1. My child is so motivated to practice her violin, she will go to bed early in order to awake and be ready for practice at 6:00 am.

2. My son quitrepparttar 109224 soccer team because it was cutting into his violin practice time. 3. I often spend many hours online searching for free violin sheet music just to satisfy my daughter’s unquenchable thirst for new music. She lovesrepparttar 109225 challenge!

4. We cancelled our family trip to Hawaii because our son just couldn’t bearrepparttar 109226 fact that he would miss two violin lessons. He’s just s-o-o-o motivated and we don’t want to break that spirit in him.

5. Violin tuning has become a fun family event, we all love to get involved.

6. My daughter is learning about fractions by memorizingrepparttar 109227 different violin sizes, 1/16, 1/10, ¼, who know fractions could be so much fun?!

Forrepparttar 109228 rest (probably 99.99%) of us, let me assure you, there is hope! Chances are, we may never be able to claim any one ofrepparttar 109229 four statements above, but there are positive, fun methods of encouraging your child to practice without pain to them or you.

Time of day. Three little words that pack a huge punch when it comes to creating an effective practice time. Two things you need to consider are: 1. Your child’s age 2. Observe what time of day they haverepparttar 109230 highest level of concentration.

My daughter began studyingrepparttar 109231 violin at age five. At that time we practiced inrepparttar 109232 morning, for no particular reason other than it was a convenient time. Occasionally, practice time would get pushed back torepparttar 109233 afternoon hours, no big deal …. or so I thought. Those afternoon practices never went well, but sometimes I don’t catch on too quickly. In fact,repparttar 109234 somewhat unfavorable afternoon practices were not what clued me in torepparttar 109235 fact that my child was not an “afternoon person.” It was her writing practice that finally got through to me. Five minutes worth of writing practice inrepparttar 109236 morning became 20 to 30 minutes of agony inrepparttar 109237 afternoon. Aha! The light bulb had been turned on, “Maybe,” I said to myself, “just maybe she is a morning person!”

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