How Would You Reply to That?

Written by Jim Daniels

Email newsletter publishers receive loads of questions, especially from newcomers torepparttar web. As publishers, our ever growing subscriber lists result in an endless stream of inquiries.

And we love it! After all, every question we receive is an opportunity. It is a chance to help out fellow Internet marketers and inrepparttar 121840 process, further develop our expertise and reputation as an expert.

But each inquiry is something much more than that. It is also an opportunity to sell a solution. These solutions can be inrepparttar 121841 form of instruction, a software solution or maybe even an opportunity.

And most of us ezine publishers have our replies down to a science. Of allrepparttar 121842 ezine publishers I've asked, every effective one processes each new inquiry in a similar fashion. We field so many messages each week that we have to have a reply system down pat, or we'd be buried in email!

Here's a quick flow chart most of us publishers use when replying to inquiries...

First, we reply quickly and personally, then...

1. Offer any free help we have available onrepparttar 121843 subject 2. Suggest one of our proprietary solutions 3. Suggest a solution we've plugged into our site 4. Send them to a 3rd party website if necessary

Now, it's important to realize that we've been through literally thousands of messages. This means we've developed some great solutions to almost every inquiry.

For instance, lets look a three popular questions every ezine publisher has faced at one time or another. Along with each question you'll seerepparttar 121844 actionrepparttar 121845 publisher took to secure a new, long term income stream...

Inquiry #1: What software did you use to build your website?

This is one you'll come across quite often. And it turned into a gold mine for one publisher I know. (She preferred to remain nameless.) She's one ofrepparttar 121846 best webmaster's I've seen and her site is amazingly sharp, fast-loading and professional. As inquiries began growing she would tell folks how she builtrepparttar 121847 site andrepparttar 121848 tools she used. But smart marketer that she is, she decided to use this as an opportunity to grow her income.

She emailedrepparttar 121849 companies who createdrepparttar 121850 software she used to build her site. She got them to look at her site by telling them it was done with their software, and they too loved it. Then she told them she was receiving a growing number of inquiries from other webmasters and would be interested in offering their design tools at her site. After a little finagling, she was able to offer their software at a discounted price.

Now, every email enquiry she receives aboutrepparttar 121851 design of her site gets met with a pre-formatted email reply. It takes her all of 10 seconds to reply by pastingrepparttar 121852 message in and personalizing it, and nearly every webmaster triesrepparttar 121853 free demo programs then goes on to orderrepparttar 121854 software at her special discount price.

Her next step was to set up small buttons at her site that say "Do you like this site? Click here for a free demo ofrepparttar 121855 software I used." Her autoresponders now dorepparttar 121856 rest ofrepparttar 121857 email work. Pretty slick way to generate income from simple email inquiries eh?

A One-Minute Marketing Plan?

Written by Jim Daniels

Whether you're planning a new site, or your site is already up and running, here's some inside information you need to know...

Web surfing is a fast-paced sport. Some surfers (including myself) can hit 10-20 sites in a ten minute span. Yikes! That leaves each site about a minute (and sometimes much less) to reach three objectives EVERY business website should be after...

1. A unique and positive image 2. An irresistible reason to stay past that minute 3. A lasting relationship

Here's exactly how you accomplish those objectives in that tiny time frame...

#1: Impress your unique and positive image in your visitors' minds immediately, by showing off an "attractive" home page.

C'mon, "attractive?" What is this a beauty contest?

Well, sort of. You see, a HUGE percentage of visitors judge your entire business within those first 10 seconds of visiting your site. If they are presented with a handsome page that loads quickly and looks professional, they may be compelled to stick around. (At least long enough to see what's in it for them.)

Let me ask you this... How many times have YOU clicked away from a site even before it finished loading? Yeah, that's what I thought. Me too. Web surfers looking for something in particular not only wantrepparttar right info, they want it fromrepparttar 121839 right source. If your site looks like it was designed by a 12 year old, you're in big trouble.

And no, you do not need fancy graphics, java andrepparttar 121840 like. Just make sure your home page is a place that YOU would be impressed by. You do this with a professional logo, a crisp, fresh look and simple navigation links.

#2: Get right torepparttar 121841 point and give your visitors an irresistible reason to stay past that minute...

Be surerepparttar 121842 first thing your website displays is a reason for visitors to stick around. When someone comes to your site it needs to be glaringly obvious howrepparttar 121843 site can help them. Remember, they probably came looking for something in particular. If they are forced to "search" for how your site may help them, it's too late, they're gone.

You can pull this off by displaying a few lines of text prominently, where your visitors will see it right away.


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