How Valentine’s Day Gifts Can Expose a Cheating Husband

Written by Ruth Houston

If you haverepparttar nagging feeling that your husband may be having an affair, this isrepparttar 130758 ideal time to confirm what you suspect. The Valentine’s Day gifts he gives or receives can provide you with tangible proof of his infidelity.

If your husband has a lover he’s certain to buy her a Valentine’s Day gift; whether he receives one in return or not. This could prove to be his undoing. An observant wife can find some solid evidence this time of year if she knows what to look for and where to look.

A husband can sometimes get away with giving his wife a card and a hastily purchased box of chocolates. But tradition demands that on Valentine’s Day, he gives his mistress a special gift. No self-respecting man would try to impress his girlfriend with a cheap token of his affection. If he wants to remain in her good graces (and in her bed) he has to buy her a decent gift.

It goes without saying that gifts cost money. Even if your husband has been siphoning off small sums for several weeks or months, you’ll find evidence of his spending somewhere. If he doesn’t pay in cash he’ll have to use his credit card. But there’s always a paper trail.

Have there been any suspicious withdrawals from your bank accounts? Checkrepparttar 130759 time period shortly before or after Valentine’s Day. Were there any unexplained ATM withdrawals around this time?

Check your credit card statements forrepparttar 130760 month of February, andrepparttar 130761 latter part of January too. Look for charges made at jewelry stores, women’s specialty stores, or boutiques, florists, day spas, restaurants andrepparttar 130762 like. Scrutinize any charges made on February 14th.

Check his wallet, his pockets, his backpack, his briefcase for charge slips or store receipts. If you find evidence of gift items you didn’t personally receive, it should raise a red flag in your mind. Since your husband didn’t give these gifts to you, who did he give them to?

Check various places in and around your home for hidden gifts -- underrepparttar 130763 bed, inrepparttar 130764 back of a file cabinet or dresser drawer, onrepparttar 130765 back ofrepparttar 130766 closet floor, or on a seldom used shelf.

Don’t forget to searchrepparttar 130767 car too. Look underneathrepparttar 130768 seat, inrepparttar 130769 trunk, inrepparttar 130770 glove compartment and inrepparttar 130771 tire well.

If you find a hidden gift, don’t jump to conclusions unless it’s obviousrepparttar 130772 gift is not for you (too large, too small, a color or style that he knows you wouldn’t wear, or has another woman’s name attached).

Submission and Obedience

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Studies have shown that eighty percent, of all males and females, fit into standard categories of strengths and weaknesses. Thus, it is comfortable, convenient, and or best fits their abilities for them to follow traditional teachings for their roles. If where you are withinrepparttar eighty percent bracket, this article may not be for you.

Though, if you are inrepparttar 130757 other twenty percent category, likely, your mate will be too. In such cases, a marriage works much better when couples stop trying to fill standard expectations and carryrepparttar 130758 roles God best equipped each for. However God created you; He did not make a mistake.

Having once experienced an abusive marriage and another kind of abuse inrepparttar 130759 church, thought to berepparttar 130760 wrong gender to serve God, I had great need to 'know' God's intent for submission and obedience.

First, in an abusive relationship, obeying means things like ~ if you open a two liter of pop whilerepparttar 130761 mate it away, some ofrepparttar 130762 fiz could possibly fizzle out and who knew that would make them angry!? Though, you can expect to find yourself curled into a corner, inrepparttar 130763 fetal position, protecting as many body parts as possible.

And, whenrepparttar 130764 church tells wives to obey,repparttar 130765 message is that this is what God is like.

Then, when God's calling was contrary to authority's acceptance, it would eat at my soul. God did not stop calling, as He did not change His mind (Ro. 11:29). To hearrepparttar 130766 cries of others in need and to not be able to do anything about it was as much torment as being held captive/prisoner … sometimes, like it was happening to me all over again.

I had great need to 'know' and as a result of that search, these are among my findings.

In cases of submission ...

"Submitting yourselves one to another inrepparttar 130767 fear of God," Ep. 5:21.

"I beseech you, brethren, (ye knowrepparttar 130768 house of Stephanas, that it isrepparttar 130769 firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves torepparttar 130770 ministry ofrepparttar 130771 saints,) That ye submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and laboureth," I Co. 16:15-16.

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit inrepparttar 130772 Lord," Co. 3:18.

We are all called to submission, one to another, to husbands; to everyone that helps and labors for God, regardless of gender.

Being that it is impossible to obey everyone atrepparttar 130773 same time, we can conclude that to submit is not necessarily to obey. For, ifrepparttar 130774 husband were submitting to one another, in theory, he would also have to obey his wife. Since that is not a supported doctrine, eitherrepparttar 130775 above verses are in error or we misunderstoodrepparttar 130776 meaning of submitting.

As I have found submission to mean, it is to listen torepparttar 130777 need of another's heart. Then, whenever it becomes necessary to alter my plan in order to meet their need, their true need should come first. In such, we should all be healers of one another's soul; including our mate's. We are to be willing vessels, allowingrepparttar 130778 love of God to flow through us as often as God shows us a need.

People's wants and needs are different. We can know which is a true need by following God's example. Listen not to one's words but torepparttar 130779 cry of their heart. Our want should step out ofrepparttar 130780 way for another's 'need'.

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit inrepparttar 130781 Lord." Co. 3:18.

Whatever you believerepparttar 130782 word 'submit' means, consider this; "Wives, submit yourselves ... as it is fit inrepparttar 130783 Lord." Co. 3:18. Noticerepparttar 130784 verse does not say, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, or you are not fit inrepparttar 130785 Lord." It says to submit torepparttar 130786 extent it "is fit inrepparttar 130787 Lord."

So, if one's husband requests them to sleep with another man, is it fit inrepparttar 130788 Lord? Of course not. So herein is, atrepparttar 130789 very least, is an example of exception.

Obedience …

What we are to 'obey' is spiritual leadership (whether one calls it submission or by another name). When someone is spiritually leading, we will be able to hearrepparttar 130790 Spirit and know that is God, it is Him speaking and it is fit in Him, asrepparttar 130791 Spirit can not lie.

In such cases, we are not worshipping our husband. Our submission is torepparttar 130792 Lord. The same would be true, whomeverrepparttar 130793 Lord is speaking through. Whenrepparttar 130794 Spirit touches our spirit, it is God. (Though, if we quenchrepparttar 130795 Spirit before He has had a chance to speak, we might miss God's best.)

So, if that berepparttar 130796 case, what couldrepparttar 130797 following verses mean?

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ andrepparttar 130798 church," Ep. 5:31-32.

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