How Top Performers Use Built-In Technology To Stay On Top

Written by George A. Parker

Do you ever wonder how some people consistently get what they want out of life and manage to stay on top? They seem to getrepparttar best jobs,repparttar 129233 best raises, allrepparttar 129234 recognition --repparttar 129235 best life has to offer.

What if you could take advantage of a very powerful, built-in technology to reach your most cherished goals? What if, by taking advantage of this gift and practicing a simple technique, you could boost your success and start gettingrepparttar 129236 things out of life you desire. You can.

By divine design, you possess a tremendous power-tool. This tool can makerepparttar 129237 difference between you achieving unbelievable success or being an unrecognized underachiever. You can use this tool to obtain things you desire or to advance your career. What is this great technology and how can you use it to your advantage? Let’s take a look.

How Does This Mysterious Technology Work?

When you were born, your creator endowed you with mental ‘movie theater technology’. This mysterious gift allows you to show yourself a movie clip of what you want to create or accomplish. This technology also serves as a private workshop within your mind allowing you to create, solve problems, anticipate, navigate and understandrepparttar 129238 world around you. It enables you to preview and executerepparttar 129239 simplest torepparttar 129240 most complex plans.

When you create a physical thing, you always do it twice – first in your imagination, then in reality. This two-step process is so natural that you are often unaware of it. Used frequently, skillfully and with purpose, you can direct your imagination to help you create almost anything or to achieve your most cherished goals.

If you shave inrepparttar 129241 morning, you create a ‘movie clip’ ofrepparttar 129242 steps to get this accomplished. You imagine getting up, walking intorepparttar 129243 bathroom, turning onrepparttar 129244 light, running water, picking uprepparttar 129245 razor and shaving cream, lathering, then shaving. You are able to produce this internal ‘movie clip’ in a nanosecond and then execute it flawlessly inrepparttar 129246 real world.

You are constantly imagining ahead, creating movies of what you will do next. You can think a few minutes, a few weeks or even a few decades ahead. You can also use your imagination to think thousands of years ahead, imagining places, things and creatures that don’t exist. If you’ve ever seen an episode of Star Trek and witnessedrepparttar 129247 operation of a ‘holodeck’ or transporter system, these are all things that don’t exist anywhere but inrepparttar 129248 imagination.

Putting Your Technology Into Action

You get to decide what you want to create or achieve with this powerful technology. If you can visualize what you want in minute detail, this image can serve as a blueprint for carrying out your desires or choices. Here are a couple ofrepparttar 129249 many ways you can use your imagination:

Realizing goals

Let’s say your goal is to acquire a certain car. You can imagine justrepparttar 129250 car you want, perhaps a new Volvo. You can imaginerepparttar 129251 color of that car,repparttar 129252 new car smell,repparttar 129253 windshield,repparttar 129254 tires,repparttar 129255 trunk,repparttar 129256 radio--- allrepparttar 129257 features you’d like that car to have. You can also imagine when you would like to obtainrepparttar 129258 car.

The next step is to imagine how you will acquirerepparttar 129259 car. You could imagine going to work, working diligently, saving ten percent of your salary for three years, and then purchasingrepparttar 129260 car. Alternatively, you could see yourself taking money from your savings account to make a down payment onrepparttar 129261 car, and then financingrepparttar 129262 balance over four years by getting a bank loan. You can visualize yourself on a certain date going to a car dealer, negotiating a price forrepparttar 129263 car, and then drivingrepparttar 129264 car fromrepparttar 129265 lot.

Once you use your imagination to formulate a plan for acquiringrepparttar 129266 car, you can break your plan into smaller executable actions to bringrepparttar 129267 car into your possession. These arerepparttar 129268 steps you plan to take each day to achieve various parts of your plan. Executing these steps isrepparttar 129269 next important part of achieving your desire.

This uniquely human process of creating with our imaginations, formulating strategies and plans, then takingrepparttar 129270 required actions to bring about our desires has served mankind since our beginning. It has enabled our species to rise above all others, eventually fashioningrepparttar 129271 lives we live today.

Who Is Jim Edwards and Why Is He One of My Mentors and Heroes?

Written by Chris J Lloyd

Jim is best known inrepparttar internet marketing field. I first came across him through his ebook 'Turn Words Into Traffic' andrepparttar 129231 audio course 'Affiliate Marketing Blueprint', both of which are partly responsible for my site coming into existence!

I love Jim's straight talking style and sense of humour, so when he announced that he was launching a program describing how he turned his life around from being bankrupt and living in a trailer to his present day success, I couldn't wait to get hold of a copy.

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