How To Write To Persuade

Written by John Colanzi

I'm sure you've seen those ads that grab your attention and have you ready to pull out your wallet or credit card. They are literally making you an offer you can't refuse.

Don't you wish your ads were that persuasive?

Arerepparttar marketers who wrote these ads natural born writers, or is there a formula that you can learn?

Writing to persuade is a skill that can be learned, like any other skill. It's just a matter of breaking downrepparttar 129714 process into four simple steps.

Step # 1.

The first step in writing your killer sales letter is to identify your target market.

This seems simple enough, but how many marketers do it?

When reading some ofrepparttar 129715 ads I get in my inbox, I have to wonder.

I don't want to burst your bubble, butrepparttar 129716 truth is, not everyone onrepparttar 129717 planet is a prospect. Concentrate on those who are.

Before you begin your ad campaign identify your target audience.

Step # 2.

Once you've identified your target market determine what their major problems are.

* Do they need more money

* Do they need to save time

* Are they interested in improving their health

Sit down and determine every problem that your prospects have and decide how your product or service can help solve their problems.

There are no shortage of problems, but there is a shortage of problem solvers. Start thinking in terms of becoming a problem solver and you'll always be in demand.

OK, you've identified your market, you've determined what problems they have, now you're ready forrepparttar 129718 next step.

7 Formulas for Writing Articles That Get Read!

Written by Alexandria Brown

Many of us have been asked to write an article at one time or another. Maybe it's a contribution torepparttar company newsletter. Or a promotional article to gain publicity for ourselves or our companies. Some of us write articles regularly for clients.

No matter why you're writing an article, it's your responsibility to make it be interesting - otherwise no one will read it. (Except you.)

So how can you make your article interesting and engage your reader? It's all aboutrepparttar 129712 ANGLE. First pick your topic. For example, let's say your topic is something boring ... "car wax." Now, here's where many people start writing.

Stop! You need an angle! What aspect of car wax do you want to write about? Is there anything new or sexy inrepparttar 129713 world of car wax that people are interested in? Some ideas: howrepparttar 129714 new generation of car waxes helps protect your paint job for twice as long, OR, an overview ofrepparttar 129715 best five brands of car wax onrepparttar 129716 market, OR whatrepparttar 129717 best type of wax is for your particular car. Get it? These are all angles. (Byrepparttar 129718 way, I've never even waxed my car, so please take these ideas with a grain of salt! ; ))

Ready to brainstorm your angles? Here are seven article "formulas" to get you started. Some elements of each may overlap with each other, but each formula is truly a distinct animal.

1. The How-To People love how-to articles! They leadrepparttar 129719 reader step-by-step through how to reach an objective. They also sometimes offer resourcesrepparttar 129720 reader can contact for more information.

What expertise do *you* have to share? Turn that subject into an interesting how-to for readers. Examples: "How to Make Your Employees Stick Around Forever," "How to Findrepparttar 129721 Best Dress for Your Figure," and "How to Promote Your Business for Free."

2. The List This is one ofrepparttar 129722 most basic formulas andrepparttar 129723 easiest to write. Give a short one or two paragraph intro, then launch right into your list. Keep each item to a few sentences max. People love numbers, so number your list and give your total number inrepparttar 129724 title! Examples: "31 Ways to Organize Your Office," "15 Tips for Pain-Free Feet," "Five Reasons Management Won't Berepparttar 129725 Same in 2001"

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