How To Write Articles For The Hungry Web Market.

Written by BB Lee

How To Write Articles For The Hungry Web Market by BB Lee (C)2003

(630 words)

Writing forrepparttar web audience is a whole brand new ball game. Throw out allrepparttar 105492 rules you learned in school or writing for print media. Why? They simply are not appropriate forrepparttar 105493 Internet crowd.

It doesn't matter if you are clever at turning a phrase or your prose is beautiful. The Internet reader is in a hurry. They make lightning fast judgements. If your writing doesn't hit them like a fast ball, they're gone.

If you giverepparttar 105494 hungry Internet reader what they want they will stick around long enough to digest all your clever prose.

In order to write forrepparttar 105495 web and keep your audience you must follow these basic rules.

1. Don't Get Wordy. Web users are busy. Most will not read your 2,000 word article aboutrepparttar 105496 history of widgets. Keeprepparttar 105497 word count around 800 maximum. If you can't bare to trim your 2000 word article, break it up into 3 separate articles, part 1, part 2, and part 3.

2. Use Short Paragraphs. Forgetrepparttar 105498 long winding paragraphs that go on forever! Break up your paragraphs into easily digestible bits. Why? Think about how foreboding a long paragraph is to a reader who is in a hurry. They'll click away quick.

3. Use White Space. Use lots of white space around your article. This will make your article more inviting torepparttar 105499 eye and easier to read.

4. Use Bold Headings. Internet readers are pro's at skimming articles quickly. If your writing doesn't click they are gone. Use a bold heading before each paragraph or one that tells exactly whatrepparttar 105500 paragraph is about. This will drawrepparttar 105501 reader in and capture their attention.

5. Start With A Surprising Lead. Start your article with a surprising statement, statistic, or fact. This will capturerepparttar 105502 readers attention. Follow with a few sentences summing up howrepparttar 105503 article handlesrepparttar 105504 problem.

6. Add Relevant Links. Hyperlinks are important to your article. And give it authority. But, don't add them unless they are relevant torepparttar 105505 article. Hyperlinks in your article will catchrepparttar 105506 readers eye. Remember to staterepparttar 105507 name ofrepparttar 105508 site they will click to along with URL.

Reaping The Amazing Benefits Of Writing E-Zine Articles

Written by Bonnie Jo Davis

Marketing on a budget is tough. This is a universal truth that all small business owners face. The most effective small business frugal marketing strategy available is writing and submitting articles to web sites, e-zines, magazines and newsletters. Listed below are some ofrepparttar amazing benefits you can gain by using this technique.

1) Article creation and submission is a totally free marketing method! The only cost is a few hours of your time to write an article and offer it for publication.

2) Well written articles positionrepparttar 105491 author as an expert while increasing credibility and educating readers about their business, services and products. Many internet gurus started their careers by writing and publishing articles onrepparttar 105492 internet.

3) Article authors are granted a by-line with each article that will allow readers to click through to a web site where they can be converted to e-zine subscribers for paying customers.

4) A good article can be used over and over again when customized for different audiences thereby reducingrepparttar 105493 need for you to write new articles as often.

5) Many publications will archive your article on their web site giving you a lasting method of promotion.

6) Writing and submitting articles will help you obtain incoming links to your web site. These are not "link farm" quality links - these arerepparttar 105494 highest quality links available and they affect your search engine rankings accordingly

7) Your article can be published on your web site, optimized for search engines and submitted accordingly in order to increase your search engine traffic.

8) The more articles you write and publish on your web siterepparttar 105495 longer your visitors will stay and explore your site.

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