How To Win The "Marketing War", Capture Your Prospect's Mind And Make More Sales

Written by Charles Kangethe

How To Win The "Marketing War", Capture Your Prospect's Mind And Make More Sales ------------------------------------------------------------

(c) 2004 Charles Kangethe -------------------------

As a marketer you are engaged in a "War" with competitors whererepparttar ultimate prize is capturingrepparttar 120598 mind of prospects and claiming their purchase dollars.

What you are about to read shows you how to create a powerful, automatic weapon for that war that generates relentless, repeating sales.

Step #1 - Get Into Your Prospects Mind. ---------------------------------------

Many new netpreneurs forget, or fail to understand, that prospects are individuals.

You must get into your prospect's mind and appeal to them, and them alone, before they will buy from you.

--> Sidebar With some exceptions, buying decisions are made onrepparttar 120599 basis of emotional and intellectual reasoning in that order. <--

Winning marketers, are those who successfully appeal torepparttar 120600 buying instincts of individual prospects.

As a direct marketer your task is to learn how to capture your prospects' minds, one individual at a time.

Step #2 - Psychological and Emotional Action Triggers -----------------------------------------------------

The holy grail of marketing is unearthingrepparttar 120601 action triggers that make your prospects take your "Most Desired Action" (MDA).

When you understandrepparttar 120602 ELBOW trigger groups you will powerfully influence your prospects towards your MDA.

* E - Effort

People are always seeking options that allow them to live life and work withrepparttar 120603 least amount of effort. Anything that promises a reduction in effort is a powerful call to action.

* L - Loss

This group coversrepparttar 120604 most powerful triggers.

For instance fear of loss of :

Health, reputation, material possessions, or justice.

* B - Benefits

Triggers in this group promise non-material benefits or "gains" that originate from actions taken byrepparttar 120605 prospect.

For instance motivation to greater action often comes from a winning streak at sport or business.

* O - Outer Triggers

This group relates to triggers that promise non-material benefits and gains, for actionsrepparttar 120606 prospect has no control over.

For instance :

- A promise of recognition as an authority by peer groups is a powerful incentive for many people.

- Social acceptance is another powerful motivator. It drives people to make purchases of products and services that will help them improve their social standing.

* W - Wealth

Into this group fall all triggers that promise material gains.

The promise of "Gold in them thar hills", profitable business and income building opportunities are all powerful incentives to action.

Step #3 - Profile Your Prospect In Detail ------------------------------------------

As a good copywriter and "Marketing Warrior" you must learn to achieve an intimate level of involvement with your prospects.

You need to understand your prospect's background, her history, education, career, hopes and fears. Use research, your imagination and experiences to build a detailed picture about her.

As you profile your prospect, have in mind a single individual - do not fall intorepparttar 120607 trap of trying to profile a group.

-->Sidebar Some marketers prefer to use market research exclusively for this step. This is a valid, but more expensive option to build your prospect's profile. <--

Step #4 - List Product Benefits and Features --------------------------------------------

Next, list out all your product and service benefits and features.

How to fire up your link popularity

Written by Nicholas Dixon

When I first started out in Internet marketing, reciprocal linking was one ofrepparttar techniques that I was required to master.

Left, right and center gurus were telling me ofrepparttar 120597 importance of having my website link on as much websites as possible. But most did not say how to go about doing it.

After contacting several webmasters withrepparttar 120598 aim of exchanging links, all flatly refused. Maybe it was because I was on a free host or maybe I was still green inrepparttar 120599 business.

I tried several different ways but they all hadrepparttar 120600 same result. Nada. Zilch. No links coming my way. Then I found it. The best linking strategy.

It was so simple I could not believe it. And it was right there under my nose. Many successful marketers were using it and accomplishing much. What was that secret weapon ? Article writing.

Writing articles and submitting them to article banks, directories and content sites will increase your link popularity. And it is all for free.

All you have to do is write an informative article which contains valuable information for your target audience. After editing, proofreading and formatting you can now submit it forrepparttar 120601 world to see.

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