How To Target Your Market

Written by JC Anderl


If you evenrepparttar slightest thought of selling anything online, you must be able to answer one question before you do anything...

Who wants to buy your product or service?

If you're going to sell, there has to be a market that will buy, it's an irrefutable law of business and it applies to online businesses as well.

"Catering to a niche" or "specializing" or "targeting a market," whatever you call it, it'srepparttar 105188 key to a small business succeeding onrepparttar 105189 Internet.

Let Amazon or Ebay sell everything to everyone. Small online businesses target a few select markets and give those marketsrepparttar 105190 special attention that only small businesses can give.

Find Your Markets

First, you should just ask yourselfrepparttar 105191 question I posed earlier, "Who wants to buy my product or service?"

Most small businesses know their market well; they just have to think about it for a second.

For example, let's take web design. We start by making of list of anyone that might need web design:

* Individuals * Churches * Schools * Small Businesses * Large Businesses * Etc.

Target Your Markets

When you look at that small list, you start to realize that each market has it's own needs, budget, and reason for needing web design.

For example, imaginerepparttar 105192 difference between web design for large corporate businesses and web design for schools.

7 Steps to Developing Leaders

Written by Virginia Reeves

Try to tap into untapped energy that may be lying dormant for lack of interest or challenge to motivate people - this is a key to finding and developing new leaders. Remember that rising throughrepparttar ranks does not guarantee qualities needed for a leading role. Seek out those who have a natural style to attract people to them. These are your true leaders as others will follow suggestions and directions from these people more willingly. Be a mentor and help them break through corporate or self-established barriers to more freedom and success for all, including yourself.

1. Look beyond a person’s title to their sphere of influence. Some people are in leadership roles and we wonder how and why. When looking to develop leaders, look to those who demonstrate a strong set of skills in work quality, ability to get along with others at all levels, and who seem to naturally command respect. These people are frequently not obvious to managers because they don’t look for them in outside where they "expect" to discover them. As a result, those skills and talents are often greatly under utilized. These potential leaders need to be nourished because they often don’t see themselves in that role either.

2. Discover personal interests ofrepparttar 105185 people you are working with. Show you care about them as individuals. This does not mean being nosy but instead attentive and caring about their progress personally and professionally. Don’t just do this during a review period or when you need something. Practicing this habit is necessary all year round to develop a good relationship with those you interact with. You don’t have to be their friend, but it never hurt anybody to be friendly and to offer encouragement and a pinpointed remark to help develop good communication and camaraderie.

3. In conjunction with your employee, co-worker, or other team members, set up short-term and long-term goals you can each live with. You may not be in agreement on all points but as long as you each seerepparttar 105186 benefit, then it’s easier to live withrepparttar 105187 steps in between. I believe that an important element in this procedure is to act as mentors and role models for each other. That's right - each other. Leaders need to be reminded of who is accomplishingrepparttar 105188 day-to-day operation of any enterprise. Provide guidelines,repparttar 105189 understanding of why something is being done in a certain way, and on-going support.

4. Encourage additional training through classes and seminars. This does not mean forcing people to go to something in which they have no interest or where they see no benefit in attending. Even if they learnrepparttar 105190 material, they probably won’t accept it or practice it. Discover where their interests are and find a way to tie it in to their job. When possible, help withrepparttar 105191 financing of books or courses - particularly whenrepparttar 105192 learning takes place on personal time.

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