How To Take An Enema

Written by Kristina Amelong, CNC, CT

How Do I Take an Enema

A good enema program occurs when you are able to infuse enough filtered water into your colon to stimulate peristalsis throughoutrepparttar entire colon, thus cleansingrepparttar 115037 entire colon and not justrepparttar 115038 rectal or sigmoid areas. Once enough water is inrepparttar 115039 colon, you then expel it, andrepparttar 115040 resulting waste, intorepparttar 115041 toilet. You then repeatrepparttar 115042 process one or two more times. This is similar to a simple enema, except forrepparttar 115043 volume of water you inject. Most people will find that, when done slowly, they can easily take 1-3 quarts of water.

Enema bags are a perfect tool for putting water into your colon. An enema bag usually holds between 1-6 quarts of water. What follows are some simple guidelines for taking a successful enema series*:

Find a comfortable, warm area where you can lay down; yet, is easy for you to get up from and to easily get torepparttar 115044 toilet. The bathroom floor can be ideal due torepparttar 115045 proximity ofrepparttar 115046 toilet. Many prefer to take an enema series right in a hot bath tub. In this way, you are more comfortable and relaxed as your body is slightly lifted offrepparttar 115047 ground. Others prefer to take their enema bag, a Rubber Matt and their IV Stand into their bedroom or sunny living room. Taking an enema in a sunny location is quite therapeutic, especially duringrepparttar 115048 winter months. Try different locations until you find what works for you.

Prepare your first enema solution. Before you fillrepparttar 115049 bag, make surerepparttar 115050 tubing clamp is shut tight so no water spills out as you are fillingrepparttar 115051 bag. Using plain water often works well. The essential oils Peppermint, Frankincense, Fennel, and Lavender (1-3 drops of each) stimulate peristalsis and immune function. You can try them together or individually. I recommend them over soap, but if you want to use soap, use one teaspoon to one tablespoon of Dr. Bonners Hemp Aloe Vera Baby-Mild Pure Castile Soap. This will promote a positive musculature response, without chemical exposure, and move your bowels well. Water temperature of 98-103 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. Hangrepparttar 115052 bag at least two feet above your body. Some people find that preparing two to three enemas using two to three different enema bags, atrepparttar 115053 start ofrepparttar 115054 enema series, works best. For this purpose, it is an excellent idea to own an IV Stand.

Use a non-petroleum lubricant. Petroleum products always take a toll on your liver. I like Super Salverepparttar 115055 best or a similar plant-based lubricant. I will userepparttar 115056 sterile, water soluble lubricating jellies such as Surgilube. Olive oil and Vitamin E oil also work. Lie on your right side or your back, which ever makes insertion easier for you. Insertrepparttar 115057 lubricated nozzle. See article about enema equipment to determine which nozzle is right for you.

Make sure you are comfortable and then openrepparttar 115058 clamp. Keeprepparttar 115059 clamp in your hand or nearby so you can, without difficulty, controlrepparttar 115060 flow of water into your body. Go slowly! The skill needed for successful colon cleansing is to let only a small amount of water enter your colon at a time. If you add water too quickly, you will stimulate peristaltic action inrepparttar 115061 sigmoid andrepparttar 115062 rectum, making it near to impossible to get water intorepparttar 115063 transverse and ascending colon. If a hint of cramping occurs, immediately stoprepparttar 115064 flow and relax. Take a big breath and slowly let it out. When there is no more cramping, or 30-60 seconds have passed, resume filling your colon with small amounts of solution until your have taken in 1-3 quarts, or you can no longer toleraterepparttar 115065 amount of cramping that is occurring. You do not need to force yourself to withstand any pain. If you were only able to take a pint of solution before you experience consistent cramping, sit onrepparttar 115066 toilet and let your bowel empty.

How To Keep Cool In Summer

Written by Brian Fogarty

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How To Keep Cool in Summer Heat

You may be surprised to find out that you can be cool and comfortable inrepparttar summer heat

Fortunately there are ways to alleviaterepparttar 115036 effects ofrepparttar 115037 Summer heat. What follows is some information on Products to help keep you cool.

Cooling Vests will keep you cool, but different vests are suitable for different situations.

1. Evaporative Cooling Vests are best suited for use outdoors, and on days when humidity is not to high. These vests work on accelerating your body’s natural evaporative cooling. The vests are soaked in water. Asrepparttar 115038 water evaporates your body temperature is reduced.

These vests are relatively effective. They are cheaper than other vests. Prices start at about $30.

Onrepparttar 115039 downside they are not suited to being worn underneath other clothing. This will slow downrepparttar 115040 evaporative effects. Your clothes will be wet after wearing these vests. Evaporative vests available at

2. Phase change vests these vests use packs that you freeze. The pack is filled with a gel made of Hexadecane. The pack melts at 18 degrees. The high melting point is very effective at keeping your body temperature at a natural level. These vests are very effective indoors and outdoors. They do not really on evaporation to keep you cool so are fine to wear under clothes. You will stay dry.

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