How To Stop Your Horse From Rearing And What To Do If He Does It Unexpectedly

Written by Andy Curry

There is a dangerous problem that horse owners should be very aware of. It’s when a horse stands up on his back legs. It’s called “rearing.” This problem can be quite dangerous and cause severe injuries torepparttar rider and/or horse.

Rearing is perhaps a horse’s most effective defense againstrepparttar 125801 rider. It is dangerous in thatrepparttar 125802 horse can fall over backward onto its rider. Because of a horse’s enormous weight this can cripple and even killrepparttar 125803 rider. Thus, it is good to know why, if possible, a horse rears. But even more importantly, how to stop it.

If your horse ever does rear with you on him, there isn’t much you can do. If he rears suddenly, he could lose his balance and fall or he could rear so explosively that he can throw himself back torepparttar 125804 ground withrepparttar 125805 rider under him. If you’re on him while this is happening and you userepparttar 125806 reins to pull on to keep from falling, you’re likely to pullrepparttar 125807 horse over.

Although it’s not one hundred percent infallible,repparttar 125808 best way to protect yourself when a horse rears with you is to lean forward immediately and put your hands forward so you have loose reins. If you have to, you could even put your arms around his neck, let go ofrepparttar 125809 reins and slide off. For my money, there aren’t any other safer ways to deal with a horse if he suddenly rears.

Why do horses rear? There are several reasons why. Here are some examples.

I’ve read where a rider was on an obedient horse while trail riding. They came upon cows and it scaredrepparttar 125810 horse becauserepparttar 125811 horse was not used to cows. The rider tried to getrepparttar 125812 horse to go towardrepparttar 125813 cows to get it to learn that cows are not spooky. The horse obeyed and went forward but finally became so frightened that it reared up, lost balance, and fell on its rider. The rider suffered numerous broken bones.

The rider later understoodrepparttar 125814 horse felt trapped. The horse obediently went forward even though it was frightened. As it got closer, fear overpoweredrepparttar 125815 horse and it had nowhere to go but up.

Some horses rear because as colts they were too young to be ridden. Another reason rearing happens is because training may confuserepparttar 125816 horse. The horse may be asked to do too much at one time and not know what to do.

Sometimes a horse will rear if it is forced to yield torepparttar 125817 bit. Other horses may rear if you try to get them to put out more energy than they can. Onrepparttar 125818 opposite end, some horses may rear because they want to go and you don’t let them.

Horse Training Secrets For Busy Horse Owners Short On Time

Written by Andy Curry

Picture this. You're late for work one day. You look at your watch and notice you have about three minutes to feed your horse before you have to leave. Plus, it seems to worsen every day. You notice your life getting busier and you have little time, if any, to spend with your horse.

Should you sell him? Should you keep him? What do you do.

It depends. If you only want a pet that eats a lot of hay, then you can keep him if it is affordable. If you want to ride him but you know you won't have time then consider selling him. (Ouch!)

However, if you know you will eventually have time to ride then you can keep your horse "tuned up" by doing some "quick and easy to do" horse training maneuvers on him.

For instance, you have about two minutes to feed your horse before you go to work. So you rush outside and get some hay for him. Just before you feed him you get beside him and practice his backing up.

Backing him up is a great way to keep him "tuned up". Why? You get your horse to move. When you get your horse to move you earn more and more of his respect. Getting a horse to move is usingrepparttar horse's psychology to get it in his brain that you arerepparttar 125800 boss. The chief. The head-honcho.

There are more exercises to do than just backing.

Say you have a horse that won't come to you. The reason he won't is likely because of fear or doesn't trust you.

But forrepparttar 125801 next few weeks go feed your horses with a halter and brush in hand. Horses love to be brushed. Once you get it in his head that seeingrepparttar 125802 halter means pleasure you will almost never have trouble getting him to come to you.

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