How To Sell Your Rental Property

Written by Steve Gillman

Selling income property isn't like selling a house. You can paint a house, and get a little more because it looks nice. Rental property is different, because it's bought by investors, who look at income more than new paint. Raise income, and you increase value.

Let's assume investors in your area expect a capitalization rate of .08. That means that they want a net return (before loan payments and taxes) of 8% onrepparttar purchase price. If your three-plex generates $12,000 net income annually, they'll value it around $150,000 ($12,000 divided by .08). Make it generate $16,000, and you make it worth $200,000.

Get More Income From Your Income Property

Higher rents isrepparttar 143544 obvious way to boost income, if you can justify it. Find out what similar units are renting for. If you're $60 belowrepparttar 143545 going rate, you can raise rents and not lose your renters. Raisingrepparttar 143546 rent $60 for three apartments means $2160 more net income annually. At a .08 cap rate, you just added $27,000 torepparttar 143547 value of your property.

Consider other ways to raise rents. Your tenants may agree to $30 more per month if you have a carport built. That's $1080 more net income annually, meaning roughly $13,500 more value added to your property. ($30 x 3 units x 12 months = $1080 divided by a .08 cap rate = $13,500) Build that carport for $4,000, and that's a good return on investment right? What else do they want?

Ordering the Right Credit Reports to Repair Your Credit

Written by Todd Disraeli

In this week’s article, I am going to offer some valuable tips and insight regarding how to orderrepparttar right credit reports needed to repair your credit.

Believe it or not, a majority ofrepparttar 143543 credit reports offered onrepparttar 143544 internet don’t haverepparttar 143545 required information (File Number, Confirmation number, or Report number) needed to repair your own credit. So what happens? You try your best to launch a dispute (withrepparttar 143546 wrong credit report), you find it impossible, you spend more money on new reports, you get frustrated, and you finally give up. Once you have given up, you have savedrepparttar 143547 credit bureaus a lot of money—and they even made some off you inrepparttar 143548 process!

Below are four tips that will makerepparttar 143549 process of ordering your credit reports less intimidating. These tips will also guarantee that you getrepparttar 143550 right reports needed to repair your credit yourself.

First Tip: DO NOT order your credit reports online. There are over 100 different types of credit reports available onrepparttar 143551 Internet and very few can be used to repair your credit. When you order your credit reports by phone you are GUARANTEED to haverepparttar 143552 following; File Number (Trans Union), Confirmation # (Equifax), or Report # (Experian). Once you have those numbers you can begin to repair your credit.

Second Tip: When ordering your credit reports by phone, always chooserepparttar 143553 option that says you have been declined credit or employment inrepparttar 143554 last 60 days. When you choose that option you might get your credit reports for free. If not, you might have to pay a small fee.

Third Tip: When ordering your credit reports by phone, choose to order your report without a score. Your score is not important at this time since we both know it needs improving and reports without a score often cost less and are sometimes free.

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