How To Sell On Ebay: Pricing Strategy

Written by Isaiah Hull

How To Sell On Ebay: Pricing Strategy

Many new Ebay sellers make one of two mistakes: either they overprice items to an unsellable extreme; or they lose money on every transaction by setting low starting prices with no restrictions.

In this lesson, I am going to go over which pricing strategies to use and when if you are using a ten-day auction setup.

Strategy #1

If you are listing a popular item that you are confident will sell for a high price, one strategy you can use isrepparttar ten-day, one cent starting price, no reserve auction. This isrepparttar 147628 best way to start a bidding war: pull in bidders early with a low starting price and no reserve and give them ten days and two weekends to battle it out.

Depending onrepparttar 147629 profit-margin ofrepparttar 147630 item andrepparttar 147631 quality and number of your competitors, you may want to consider using listing upgrades, such as bold, highlight, and feature listing options to ensure your auction sticks out ofrepparttar 147632 crowd.

Please note that I do not recommend this strategy for beginners. This is extremely high risk if you do not know how to takerepparttar 147633 risk out of it - and this is not something I can teach you. You must determine this by assessing your own personal inventory with tests.

Strategy #2

Now, if you are new to Ebay or want to list an item with undetermined popularity, you can use a safer, but potentially as profitable bidding strategy for ten-day auctions.

You still wont use a reserve with this strategy. But instead of settingrepparttar 147634 start price low to encourage a bidding war, you are going to set your start price to your ideal selling price - and then couple it with a buy it now price that is slightly higher.

This will put pressure onrepparttar 147635 buyer to buy it now instead of watching. If she waits, she gains absolutely nothing--and she risks someone else bidding (and ruiningrepparttar 147636 low BIN price) or just snatching it withrepparttar 147637 BIN option.

From Ebay Zero to Power-Selling Hero: How To Learn New Tricks Without Spending

Written by Isaiah Hull

From Ebay Zero to Power-Selling Hero: How To Learn New Tricks Without Spending

The Internet isrepparttar fastest-changing marketplace on earth. Million-dollar ideas from one year ago might not generate a single penny today. Andrepparttar 147627 best search engine optimization strategies from months ago may be completely invalid now.

But this doesn’t affectrepparttar 147628 best Internet entrepreneurs. It only hurtsrepparttar 147629 one-hit wonders. In fact, it is what separatesrepparttar 147630 top sellers fromrepparttar 147631 struggling sellers.

Most ofrepparttar 147632 struggling sellers rely entirely onrepparttar 147633 information they get from ebooks.

The best entrepreneurs know that you must be able to conduct your own analysis if you want to stay onrepparttar 147634 top. Books and courses can help you get there, but ultimately, you must learn how to conduct your own research.

Now, you can spend hundreds of hours and dollars researching this for yourself. Or you can purchase a service that does this for you.

Or, if you’re looking to start your business on a shoe-string budget like most sellers, you can simply userepparttar 147635 top-sellers’ examples.

In today’s lesson, I am going to show you one way you can do this: reverse engineering.

Start by going to and searching for something you personally sell in your store. For example, if you sell stereos, search for stereo.

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