How To Recommend Your Way To Profits

Written by Jason Tarasi

My uncle sat atrepparttar kitchen table with a perplexed look on his face, in a state of total shock.

He tried to open his mouth to ask a question, but despite his best effort, all that came out was an incoherent response.

I had just explained to my unclerepparttar 138823 concept of "recommendation marketing", which basically left him speechless.

The aftermath wasn't a pretty sight.

It was comical seeing this usually well spoken man, who seemed to have an opinion on everything (especially other people's business), stricken speechless.

I am not afraid to admit I reveled inrepparttar 138824 moment.

He couldn't believe how much I made each month, by simply recommending high quality products and services to my customers.

What really blew him away, was when I revealed that it only took me an hour to set everything up, and I continue to make this residual income each and every month.

If I choose to go and play ice hockey, work out, or do something else I enjoy, I will still be earningrepparttar 138825 same amount.

This isrepparttar 138826 power of recommendation marketing.

The principle behind this technique is quite simple, but you must earn people's trust for it to be effective (This means being honest and not trying to make a quick buck).

I compiled a list of my favorite products and services, and then created a page with a condensed review of these products. (Luckily for me most of them have an affiliate program, which is how I earnrepparttar 138827 residual income)

"Why You?" -- Professional Identity Branding

Written by Bill Willard

You can have first-rate products and services, but if you can't establishrepparttar need, communicaterepparttar 138748 benefits and differentiate yourself fromrepparttar 138749 competition in ways that make people want to do business with you, you’ll forever be selling up hill.

As Robert Krumroy, Identity Branding, Inc. says: “Branding is aboutrepparttar 138750 customer--who has never met you--being able to answerrepparttar 138751 question: ‘Why you?’"

Your "Value Proposition”

Your brand can be based in large part on your “value proposition,” which is what differentiates you from your direct and indirect competition—and, if it’s good enough, will draw people to you.

Your value proposition should be a clear, concise statement of why your business is unique and a better choice. Your market positioning, competitive analyses and SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) gives you everything you’ll need to develop a value proposition based on your strengths, your competition, what your “ideal” customer wants from you, and how this benefits people in your markets.

This message must be delivered to your markets consistently and repeated frequently. If prospects understand what they need, trust you and connect emotionally with your message, sales resistance melts before your eyes. Yes, it’s that powerful!

First Impressions, Last

Short-term, smart professional branding gives yourepparttar 138752 immediate recognition, market access and momentum you need to attract customers and build sales; long-term, it can help increase market share, foster customer loyalty, sustain your client-building efforts—and practically guarantee clients will eagerly refer you to others (“Hey, look what I’m part of! You should be too!”).

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