How To Reach Your Goals

Written by John Colanzi

Are you ready to take your business torepparttar next level, or looking for excuses to cash in your chips.

Why do I ask?

Because I've been there.

I could make excuses for not taking action, all sounding good. None true.

But before you quit and decide success onrepparttar 121844 net is for someone else, ask yourself one question.

Isrepparttar 121845 lowly spider any better than I am?

If you're ready to quit after any slight set back, he is.

Inrepparttar 121846 words of Loren Eisely, "We live in a world where even a spider refuses to lie down and die, if a rope can still be spun to a star."

Have you hitched your wagon to a star?

Do you have a goal that's bigger than you are?

If you don't, why not?

Don't tell me you don't know what to do. There's more free marketing information information onrepparttar 121847 net thanrepparttar 121848 law should allow.

I have a free marketing library at:

Guess what, I bet 90 % ofrepparttar 121849 marketers that know about it haven't even takenrepparttar 121850 time to read more than one or two ofrepparttar 121851 books at most.

They Took Minutes to Fix and Yielded Huge Results...

Written by Jim Daniels

Today I'd like to share with you just two tiny changes I made in my online marketing campaign recently. Whilerepparttar changes I made took literally minutes,repparttar 121843 results have been nothing short of spectacular.

Chances are, you are making at least one of these two mistakes as well. If so, I urge you to fix them as soon as possible. I promise you'll be thrilled withrepparttar 121844 results.

MISTAKE 1: Sign up form missing on home page...

For over two years my main page did not contain a signup form for my email newsletter. Sure, I had a link to my sample issue, which contained a signup form, but I never got around to addingrepparttar 121845 short form to my main page.

THE FIX: I added a short sign up form with a testimonial on my main page and my new subscriber signups nearly doubled, from 300 a week to close to 600. If I had smartened up a year ago I could be at 50,000 subscribers now, instead of 35,000.

Learn from my mistake! If you are not using a signup form on your main page to collect email addresses of your visitors, you are making a big mistake. It really is as simple as asking for their email address using a "formmail" script on your web server. Most web hosts offer that basic script for free.

MISTAKE 2: Includingrepparttar 121846 same signature file with all outgoing emails...

A signature file is simply a short "footer" (usually 3-5 lines) that you write yourself. The signature is included in atrepparttar 121847 bottom of each email message you send and it is an excellent way for potential customers to learn about your products and services. When done properly, your signature can constantly make sales for you.

Although most online marketers know how to use a sig file, nearly all are limiting themselves with this tool. Here's an example of how I was limting my own sales...

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