How To Raise A Goldfish

Written by Lee Dobbins

Did you know that your goldfish can live for over 10 years? Underrepparttar right conditions he can live even longer but most never make it pastrepparttar 125611 first year! If you want your goldfish to live long and healthy lives, you’ve got to providerepparttar 125612 proper environment.

It’s a common misconception that a goldfish can live in a tiny bowl. In order for him to survive for any length of time, you’ll need to do frequent water changes and cleanings ofrepparttar 125613 bowl – that’s a lot of work and living in a bowl isn’t much fun so it’s best to keep your fish in a regular tank with a proper filtration system.

The size of your tank depends on how many goldfish you want to keep in it. A good rule of thumb is to allocate about 7 gallons of water per fish, so if you want 5 goldfish a 35 gallon tank is recommended. It’s better to keep fish in a long tank that has plenty of surface to air space as goldfish like to have a lot of oxygen in their water. A tall hexagon shaped tank won’t berepparttar 125614 best tank for these fish.

Goldfish like their water to be a little onrepparttar 125615 cool side – between 65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit so in most cases a heater is not necessary. You should, however have a thermometer inrepparttar 125616 tank and takerepparttar 125617 appropriate measures ifrepparttar 125618 temperature gets above 72 degrees as higher temperatures can make your fish more susceptible to disease. Bear in mind that most other tropical fish like their water onrepparttar 125619 warm side, so you will have to be careful what fish you put inrepparttar 125620 tank with your goldfish.

How to Buy Healthy Fish

Written by William berg

Well, of course there is no guarantee thatrepparttar fish you see, you are interested in (and you are going to buy) is totally healthy. A Fish can appear as healthy as it could be but in fact it has invisible inner problems. There are many ways, many things you should seek out to determine if a fish is healthy.

And here's a list of some:

Firstly, look for physical characteristics of good health. A healthy fish should have bright body color, not pale or dull. However darker or patchy coloration may be an indicator of stress and not of bad health. Before you buy a fish, find out how it should look under normal conditions. No open sores, boils, ulcers, peeling scales or blemishes. No visible parasites, such as tiny white crystals that look like salt or tiny black nodules that look like "blackheads". There are also viruses, likerepparttar 125610 Lymphocystis (cauliflower-like growths onrepparttar 125611 edge of fins). Be sure to examinerepparttar 125612 fish before buying it.

Eyes should be clear, not cloudy or popping out ofrepparttar 125613 sockets. Fins are erect, especiallyrepparttar 125614 top fin (dorsal). Buckled fins can mean trouble. No ragged, torn or ripped fins. All of them should be intact.

Scales are flat and smooth, stomach is well rounded, girth ofrepparttar 125615 entire body is of normal size, not bloated or sunken. Visible fish waste should be dark in color, not pale.

You should also examine their behavior! Healthy fish should breathe normally, not guzzling for air or hanging aroundrepparttar 125616 top ofrepparttar 125617 tank where its mouth kissingrepparttar 125618 top ofrepparttar 125619 water. Comparerepparttar 125620 gill movement of a fish with other fish inrepparttar 125621 tank. Extremely rapid gill movement may be a sign of stress.

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