How To Put Your E-zine Promotion On Autopilot

Written by Ken Hill

One ofrepparttar best if notrepparttar 106236 best way to promote your business online is to publish your own e-zine.

Publishing an e-zine allows you to successfully follow up with everyone that signs up for your publication, and run prime position advertising for your business in every single issue you publish. Publishing an e-zine also helps to establish you as a trusted authority in your area of expertise which will lead to more sales of your own products as well as any products you recommend.

To put your e-zine promotion on autopilot and start generating a continual increase in subscribers every single month that are interested in your products and services:

1. Submit your e-zine to e-zine directories.

This is an easy way to get your e-zine noticed by people actively interested inrepparttar 106237 topic your e-zine covers.

When submitting your e-zine to these directories, make sure your ad stressesrepparttar 106238 benefits of subscribing to your publication. Tell what makes your e-zine unique. To further increase your subscriptions, offer your new subscribers free bonuses for subscribing to your e-zine such as free ebooks, a free marketing course, or a free ad.

Some good e-zine directories for you to submit your e-zine to are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

2. Submit your e-zine to e-zine announcement lists.

These lists allow you to post an ad for your publication on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis depending onrepparttar 106239 list.

When submitting your e-zine to these lists be sure, just like when submitting your e-zine to directories, to stressrepparttar 106240 benefits your new subscriber will get from subscribing to your e-zine.

Some good e-zine announcement lists to post your ad to are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

3. Write articles for publication in other e-zines.

Writing articles is a technique used by many successful online marketers and can substantially increaserepparttar 106241 number of people that subscribe to your publication.

One ofrepparttar 106242 advantages of writing articles is that your readers that subscribed because they enjoy your articles will be much more likely to read every issue you publish.

The Local Business Owner and Web-based Marketing. What are they waiting for?

Written by By Tim Charles

Way back inrepparttar 1990’s, (your remember) duringrepparttar 106235 spectacular growth and hype ofrepparttar 106236 Internet, one group in particular learned to doubt they neededrepparttar 106237 Internet as a new marketing tool -repparttar 106238 local business owner.

While many simply ignored it as a game for larger businesses, there were those who bravely set out to explorerepparttar 106239 possibilities. Unfortunately, many of these local business web-marketing pioneers ended up wishing they had ignored it too.

What happened? Why do many who tried web-based marketing for their local businesses feel burned, or at best, skeptical?

For starters, somebody forgot to tell them it required marketing. The “build it and they will come” theory prevailed. Instead of being a marketing driven, these early attempts were frequently, and solely, put intorepparttar 106240 hands of web designers.

Now don’t get me wrong. The designers did their job. Many sites were built. Basic functions performed smoothly. Evenrepparttar 106241 site email worked… and a few local business owners could be heard bragging - “I got a web site.”

Then… nothing. Neither current nor potential customers were visiting, let alone taking any kind of buying action at these web sites. The business owner, likely applyingrepparttar 106242 same thinking they used aboutrepparttar 106243 Yellow Pages (put it out there, and they’ll find me), grew frustrated, then angry.

Problem was, consumers had long ago become accustomed to usingrepparttar 106244 phone book as a source of information about local businesses. Using a web site was a different story.

“Web site? “ they might ask, “How do I find it?” Such comments often conveyedrepparttar 106245 gap between having a site that could fulfill its promise and having a site that did nothing but add an expense.

While much of this happened just a few years ago, a lot has already changed. Many more consumers have grown comfortable usingrepparttar 106246 Internet as a source for local information, and these numbers will grow. Unfortunately,repparttar 106247 residual ‘bad taste’ lingers among many who operate inrepparttar 106248 local business arena today.

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