How To Prevent Being Lynched By Heavy Handed Spam Laws

Written by Dan B. Cauthron

California's new heavy handed spam law, slated to take effect on 1 January 2004, not only provides stiff fines PER SPAM EMAIL sent. It also opensrepparttar doors wide for civil litigation against a spammer, and gross amounts of cash recovery for "damages" done torepparttar 108876 recipient. In a society that is already embroiled in lawsuit frenzy, this law appears to be a ticket to instant riches for any California resident that owns an email account.

The term "spam" of course, refers to unwanted commercial e-mail that clogs millions of computer mailboxes every day. The Internet culture's current mindset toward spam is so near to reaching critical mass, it's akin to that of a rabid and out of control lynch mob in old Tombstone - to put it succinctly, "shucks, let's hang somebody."

While 30 or so states inrepparttar 108877 US now have anti-spam laws on repparttar 108878 books, most of them are difficult to enforce against real spammers (the ones who send multi-millions of emails at a whack, hawking this week's special snake oil.) Those people often are located outside US borders, and are about as easy to track down as a ghost.

It's my prognostication that few if any real spammers will be lynched. The people who are most likely to be harmed are legitimate businesses who participate openly in electronic marketing, conducting their affairs above board with real addresses and real phone numbers.

Small emarketers who derive part or all of their income from email marketing, and have worked to develop their own opt-in emailing list, appear to berepparttar 108879 ones who are most vulnerable to aggressive anti-spam laws.

The fact is this: Sooner or later, some list member will "forget" that s/he opted-in, and will inevitably scream SPAM atrepparttar 108880 top of their lungs. Withrepparttar 108881 prospect for major remuneration underrepparttar 108882 California law, there undoubtedly will be those who suddenly contract a case of chronic "opt-in amnesia." Managingrepparttar 108883 most valid opt-in emailing list inrepparttar 108884 Universe is about to become even more taxing.

What To Do?

1. - Develop an iron-clad opt-in agreement thatrepparttar 108885 new subscriber must read and electronically agree to (via a radio button, checkbox, etc.) before s/he is presented with your opt-in form.

2. - Rigorously use a double opt-in subscription process, whererepparttar 108886 first messagerepparttar 108887 new subscriber receives will require them to "confirm"repparttar 108888 voluntary status of their opt-in action. It's likely that this process will reduce somewhatrepparttar 108889 number of new subscribers who make it allrepparttar 108890 way to your opt-in list. Still, you'll wind up with a higher quality list, containing subscribers who are serious about reading your emails.

Nurse Lazarus Runs a Neat Newsworthy Net Business

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

"Nurse Lazarus" Runs a Neat Newsworthy Net Business

by Nancy R. Fenn

The emphasis today is on working from home with an internet business. We’re talking today with Margaret Loris,repparttar Sunhealer. Margaret has an international healing practice based out of Chicago. She markets and promotes her business onrepparttar 108875 internet and has for years. A successful entrepreneur and gifted healer, Loris travels aroundrepparttar 108876 world presenting workshops withrepparttar 108877 latest healing techniques, explaining to people how they can change their basic DNA programming to bring more success and happiness into their lives.

Fenn: Margaret, in a day and age when so many people would like to have an international business that is successful onrepparttar 108878 internet, how did you get started?

Loris: I’ve been a healer fromrepparttar 108879 day I was born. Ever since I was a child I would automatically know things that would help and heal people. When I reached six years of age, I loved God so much that I wanted to be a priest and give everyone Holy Communion.

Fenn: You didn’t think about becoming a nun? You must have a clear relationship with your own power.

Loris: Yes, I’m a woman who’s not afraid of power. I use my power to help others.

Fenn: Did you find support in your childhood environment for your healing gifts?

Loris: I could see auras and thought that everyone else could too. I never really paid much attention to it, so nobody else made a big deal of it either. Later when I began studying healing techniques, that's when everything finally started to fit together and I could use my inner talents more beneficially.

Fenn: How did you start your healing practice?

Loris: I didn’t start it right away. I was a registered nurse specializing in transplants for about twenty one years. I worked in Florida at that time. The work was demanding and satisfying in a way, I mean sometimes we could save someone’s life. But I couldn’t help thinking, what if these people could have healed themselves? What if they didn’t have to go to this extreme inrepparttar 108880 surgery room?

Fenn: You sound like a healer all right. Didrepparttar 108881 doctors and other nurses know your powers?

Loris: Yes, they certainly did. I remember as an operating room nurse in a trauma hospital, a neurosurgeon called me Nurse Lazarus, because he said I could bring backrepparttar 108882 dead. Others would comment on how easily their surgeries went and quickly their patients healed when I worked with them. This is when I knew for sure I was a healer. All my years as an operating nurse plus my healing studies have all given me a complete view of all types and methods of healing techniques. I saw an article this week about God and healing on a national magazine. The world is getting ready for breakthroughs in healing and we're ready, too!

Fenn: What other healing techniques and methods did you study?

Loris: I graduated from Barbara Brennan’s four-year training program in 1995.

Fenn: For readers who don’t know Barbara Brennan, can you tell us a little about that?

Loris: It’s a school that teaches you how to clean, balance, repair, and center a person’s energy field.

Fenn: I know that must have been a very fulfilling experience. What else did you train in?

Loris: I’m certified inrepparttar 108883 Australian Living Flower Essences Academy and am trained as a Rapid Eye Technician.

Fenn: Tell us more!

Loris: Rapid Eye Technology is a spiritual therapy that relieves emotional stress. Flower essences are natural health elixirs derived from flowers. Australia uses flower essences in their hospitals and write about their effects inrepparttar 108884 nursing journals.

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