How To Prepare Yourself Mentally For Success

Written by Dean Phillips

How To Prepare Yourself Mentally For Success

by Dean Phillips

Okay, so you've finally made that big decision to start your own business. Now what?

Well, not to discountrepparttar importance of getting all of your ducks in a row, regarding permits, licenses, financing, etc.,repparttar 122998 very first thing I recommend is a complete re- programming of your mind. Because, before you can start walking down that road to success, you first have to get your mind right.

In that regard, there are two books I consider absolute MUST reads, if you are at all serious about being successful in whatever it is you choose to do.

The books are, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill and "The Magic of Thinking Big" by Dr. David Schwartz.

Your local bookstore should have both books, since they're all-time classics. If not, try But whatever you do, makerepparttar 122999 investment in yourself and get those books!

I've owned both books for about 25 years and I swear there's still something magical about them. No matter what negativity happens to be going on in your life, those two books will make you feel like everything is going to be alright.

Byrepparttar 123000 way, when you get those books, don't just read them and forget about them. Keep them nearby and refer to them on a daily basis. This is critical, as far as keeping you focused and onrepparttar 123001 right track.

So, why is it so important to prepare yourself mentally for success? Because quite frankly, you're bound to experience some extremely difficult times with your business. We all do. That's justrepparttar 123002 way it is. Success rarely comes easy and despite some ofrepparttar 123003 so-called overnight success stories you occasionally hear about, out-of-the-box successes are actually few and far between.

Build Your Own Road

Written by Jean Fritz

The country of Brazil is actively recruiting American farmers to relocate torepparttar prime growing area of Matto Grosso del Sol. The government’s enticements include easy financing opportunities, low labor costs, limited regulations imposed on land use, and a per-acre price of $17.00 USD. The downside – this area has no infrastructure, andrepparttar 122997 purchaser would be required to build his / her own road in order to access their land, andrepparttar 122998 outside world.

Now, out of 10,000 people, 9,995 would be saying, “No way! Give me something more settled, proven, time-tested. I’ll gladly payrepparttar 122999 price to live in civilization.” And thank goodness for this majority – they arerepparttar 123000 people who literally make industry inrepparttar 123001 United States and elsewhere function on a daily basis. They arerepparttar 123002 purveyors ofrepparttar 123003 GDP, and we hold them in high regard.

However, there are 5 people thinking, “Build your own road! How cool is that?”

These five people are destined to be entrepreneurs, and they arerepparttar 123004 people whose efforts and chutzpah eventually pushrepparttar 123005 world forward.

One ofrepparttar 123006 primary characteristics of an entrepreneur isrepparttar 123007 ability to see opportunity where others see nothing more than hard work and potential loss. The entrepreneur realizes thatrepparttar 123008 greaterrepparttar 123009 risk in an investment,repparttar 123010 greaterrepparttar 123011 potential reward. Entrepreneurs learn to minimize losses by educating themselves about whatrepparttar 123012 actual risks are, and usingrepparttar 123013 resources of other people (capital and intellectual) to reduce or overcome those risks. The “hard work” part is relative – there are many employees who work hard, but gain very little in terms of reward. The entrepreneur is willing to work hard, delayrepparttar 123014 gratification of reward for years, if necessary, in order to win big inrepparttar 123015 end.

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