How To Plant Rose Bushes In Landscaping Your Garden

Written by Paul Curran

For planting roses a good garden loam with organic matter is important. It must contain peat moss, leaf mold, compost, rotted or commercial manure, andrepparttar bed should be prepared as far ahead of planting as is feasible in order to allow for settling ofrepparttar 113348 soil.

Fall isrepparttar 113349 best time for setting out roses, but you can plant in spring. When they arrive fromrepparttar 113350 nursery, plant at once. If they have dried en route, soakrepparttar 113351 roots and put repparttar 113352 tops in a bucket of water before planting. Trim back any roots that are weak, long or broken at this time. Dig a hole that is wide enough to allowrepparttar 113353 roots to spread without crowding.

The rose is properly placed whenrepparttar 113354 bud (the point where repparttar 113355 top joinsrepparttar 113356 roots) is just underrepparttar 113357 ground surface. Space hybrid teas about 18 inches apart in any direction. Prunerepparttar 113358 branches 6 to 10 inches fromrepparttar 113359 soil.

To grow good roses it is necessary to cultivate, to prune and to spray. If you have a well-cultivated bed you need not worry about watering. But if you start to water in hot weather, you must keep it up, soakingrepparttar 113360 roots thoroughly about once a week.

Rid Your Garden of Slugs

Written by Marilyn Pokorney

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Slugs are major pests of horticultural plants throughoutrepparttar 113351 world. They are destructive pests of home gardens, landscapes, nurseries, greenhouses, and field crops.

Slugs also pose a health threat to humans, pets and wildlife by serving as intermediate hosts for parasites such as lungworm.

Slugs are inactive in cold weather and hibernate inrepparttar 113352 soil.

Heavy mulching and watering, required for productive and beautiful gardens create favorable conditions for slugs.

Slugs destroy plants by killing seeds or seedlings, by destroying stems or growing points, or by reducingrepparttar 113353 leaf area. Slug feeding may also initiate mold growth or rotting.

Slugs feed on a variety of living plants chewing holes in leaves, flowers, fruit and young bark. They are also serious pests of ripening fruits, such as strawberries and tomatoes, that are close torepparttar 113354 ground. However, they will also feed on foliage and fruit of some trees favoring citrus. Some plants that are seriously damaged include artichokes, asparagus, basil, beans, cabbage, dahlia, delphinium, hosta, lettuce, marigolds, and many more plants too numerous to list here. To determine if damage is caused by a slug or other insect, look for a clear, silvery mucous trail.

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