How To Out The Fat!

Written by Alex Sharp

Most of us are looking for easy ways to loose weight. Well, here today we will talk about how to do just that. It might not be as hard as you might think. We all have friends who pack onrepparttar double patty burgers with two extra large fries each day. After they swallow this, they will go onto eating a whole bag of candy and wash it down with a half gallon of milk. Sound like some of your college buddies? Through outrepparttar 112931 day, we get thirsty. All living creatures do. What do you turn for most often? Sodas, we all do it. Why? Because they are easy to get and they taste good. Who can turn down a sweet drink after a jog inrepparttar 112932 sun? Well, you shouldn't be doing that. There is two reasons why. One is because it is wasted calories. You don't get anything back fromrepparttar 112933 soda. You might get some pep fromrepparttar 112934 caffeine, but that is about it. You might get a slight sugar rush, but it won't be anything that last. The second reason is, because we are slightly hungry. We aren't hungry enough to go get something to eat, but a drink will satisfy us enough to our next meal. Instead of drinking sodas all day long, drink juice. More specifically, juice withrepparttar 112935 pulp in it. I know what you are thinking. There is more of a purpose to this than moving your bowels. We all have had a bit of a problem inrepparttar 112936 bathroom department and have ran forrepparttar 112937 juice withrepparttar 112938 pulp in it. Juice withrepparttar 112939 pulp in it will fill you up. Unlike sodas, there is something actually there to curb your hunger. You will drink less because you will get full. Try it, you will be surprised. Always stick to wheat bread. Don't eatrepparttar 112940 white stuff. Whole wheat products are known to stabilize blood sugar levels. This mean you won't get hungry as fast. This is an easy way to curb your hunger. Here are some tips you can use when making sandwiches. Avoid cheese. We put way to much cheese on everything these days. I won't be surprised if some day they make a cheese covered soda can. This is a heart attack waiting to happen. There is no reason to eat this much cheese. One ofrepparttar 112941 ways you can cut down onrepparttar 112942 amount of cheese you eat is by shreddingrepparttar 112943 cheese. Userepparttar 112944 shredded cheese instead of cheese slices. You can coverrepparttar 112945 same amount of area, with less cheese. You can also do this on salads as well.

Correcting the Top Ten Exercise Mistakes

Written by Sherri L. Dodd

Correctingrepparttar Top Ten Exercise Mistakes

The American Council on Exercise comprised a list ofrepparttar 112930 ‘Top 10’ mistakes that people tend to make when visiting (or not visiting)repparttar 112931 gym. Following you will findrepparttar 112932 list in our own words. Take note of these errors and make sure that you are covered on all bases in regard to avoiding them. Mom Looks Great readers must be atrepparttar 112933 top of their game!

1.Feast or Famine – We are not talking about you diet in this case. When time is tight, some of you may forego your workout. Remember that you do not need a full consecutive hour to meet fitness demands. Ten to twenty minute bursts of activity can work in conjunction with one another or even alone on days when your schedule will not allow more time.

2.Balancerepparttar 112934 Scale – In building a healthy body you want to give equal amounts of attention to all muscle groups. Visible areas such as your arms or legs may tempt you for more focus, but your stomach, back and behind are also key areas of strength in your everyday routine. When you do not work your body as a whole throughoutrepparttar 112935 week, you are prone to injuries due to an overall muscle imbalance.

3.Mirror, Mirror – Your eyes are beautiful and nothing is in your teeth, but most important,repparttar 112936 mirrors inrepparttar 112937 gym are for insuring correct posture during exercise and not for aesthetic reasons. Onrepparttar 112938 flipside, do not feel cocky for staring at yourself while exercising. It is imperative that you make sure your posture is correct during your training sessions. Common errors in posture include knees jutting beyond ankles when in squat or lunge positions, shoulders shrugged (evenrepparttar 112939 slightest bit) while performing upper body exercises as well as butt not tucked or stomach not tightened. Make sure your form is correct and if needed, there is usually an available trainer if you have questions.

4.One Step at a Time - The whole basis ofrepparttar 112940 Mom Looks Great program is gradual progression, whether you just had your baby or you have an unconditioned body after a long period of time of foregoing formal exercise. While men are usually guiltier than women of Mistake #4, we too can enterrepparttar 112941 gym and expect to pick up atrepparttar 112942 intensity where we left off, whether it’srepparttar 112943 weights that we lift orrepparttar 112944 speed of which we perform cardio exercise. Do not succumb to your ego. You must re-introduce your body in a proper manner which means a gradual progression of intensity over a period of time.

5.Variety,repparttar 112945 Spice of Life – Even exercise has its share of ruts. You find a great routine and stick to it…forever…and ever. Not only could this dampen your enthusiasm for exercising, it may also cause muscular imbalance. For instance, if you find running is your ideal for dropping weight and feeling great, you need to add in weights, or a different cardio class ever so often. All that running with no alternative can lead to injury, joint and muscle over usage, training plateaus and especially burnout.

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