How To Obtain A Merchant's Credit Card Account

Written by Dominic Ferrara

It's a proven fact that mail order marketers can increase sales substantially by offering their customers a credit card option.

Some marketers enjoy increases of 10% to 30% in sales when they get up with a Visa/Mastercard merchants account. Others have reported increases up to a whopping 100%, or even more!

If all of your sales are made by mail, you can expect to up your total sales by at least 10%, and more likely 15% to 30% simply by offeringrepparttar credit card option. If you plan to userepparttar 105184 telephone a great deal as a marketing tool, offering a credit card buying option could double or triple your sales.

Credit card buying is seductive. Many people likerepparttar 105185 option of buying something today that they won't have to pay for until later. Also, most consumers tend to spend more using their plastic, than when they're writing a check, or paying cash.


There are many good reasons why you can benefit from securing credit card merchants status. Here are some of them...

* People with credit cards are more affluent than those without plastic. They can afford to spend more money. * They tend to be better "credit risks", if you want to sell "open account."

* Overall, they buy more by mail than those without cards.

* You cannot effectively sell from commercials on radio or TV without offering credit card purchasing. Visa and Mastercard are by far,repparttar 105186 cards most consumers have.

* They often will make credit card purchases even when they are short on cash, and/or when their checking account balance is low.

* You can sell on installments, obtaining permission to chargerepparttar 105187 buyer's card on a monthly basis.

* You can ship goods withrepparttar 105188 secure knowledge that payment has been secured before shipment is made.


By now, you're probably convinced that accepting credit card orders is a darn good idea. But how can you obtain credit card merchants status? Truth is, it's not always a piece of cake. In recent years banks have been playing hard-ball with many business people, especially anyone doing business by mail. It'srepparttar 105189 same old story, a handfull of mail order crooks have almost totally screwed-up a good thing for honest dealers. The major credit card companies have toldrepparttar 105190 banks to be very, very selective in issuing merchant accounts to mail order sellers and home business operators.

Because a few scum-bags have ripped off some banks, and run off withrepparttar 105191 money, your local friendly banker may not be too "friendly" when you tell him you want a merchants account. It has become increasingly more difficult for mail order sellers to secure a merchants account, and if you only sell by mail, but also do consider setting you up for Visa and Mastercard processing. That happens to be reality...but always remember WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE MUST BE A WAY! In this special valuable report I'm going to cover some ofrepparttar 105192 best way to obtain your merchant's status.


Although your banker may have already told you that they "cannot" accept you for a merchant account,repparttar 105193 simple, unvarnished truth is that he/she can. Visa and Mastercard do set some rigid guidelines for their affiliated banks to follow, but ultimatelyrepparttar 105194 banks must approve or disapprove each application. Excuses concerning "doing business by mail", "operating a home-based business", "not having a long business track record", are just that-excuses! A somewhat polite way to tell you "no"!

Could a mail order businessman, (books, home-study courses, etc.) but how also conducts his business exclusively in his home get a Merchant Account? Fat chance of him getting a merchants account. Right? Wrong: He happily processes credit card orders for his customers will full knowledge and cooperation from his bank. How did he do it? He never stopped asking for what he wanted.

Direct Mail Marketing Now As Easy As Email

Written by By Michael Lemm FreedomFire Communications

Isrepparttar United States Postal Service (USPS) a marketing innovator? As it turns out,repparttar 105182 kind folks inrepparttar 105183 blue shorts are in fact making it easy for evenrepparttar 105184 smallest business to duke it out with their biggest competitors by usingrepparttar 105185 USPS “mailing online (MOL)” direct mail service - check it out at

With MOL, you can escaperepparttar 105186 dreary part of direct mail marketing -repparttar 105187 printing,repparttar 105188 stuffing,repparttar 105189 stamps, etc. MOL users simply create a document, upload it torepparttar 105190 MOL website with their mailing list and credit card information, and press “go”. Within 48 hours,repparttar 105191 members of your mailing list are receivingrepparttar 105192 marketing message in their postal mailboxes.

Speed & Price

The best two parts ofrepparttar 105193 MOL service arerepparttar 105194 speed andrepparttar 105195 price. Jobs uploaded early inrepparttar 105196 business day can be printed and postmarkedrepparttar 105197 following day. The per piece cost is not much more thanrepparttar 105198 price of a single stamp since even MOL jobs sent First Class get a “presorted” USPS discount.

A 4.24 by 6 inch postcard can be printed and mailed First Class for just 24 cents. A one and two-thirds page business letter or brochure can be sent “envelope free” (the last third is needed forrepparttar 105199 address) for just 56 cents per piece. Andrepparttar 105200 minimum number of pieces you can send per job? One. That’s right, while other direct mail houses turn away customers with minimums under several thousand,repparttar 105201 USPS takes all customers and gives them all equally great service.

Before MOL you had to create your master document, drop it off atrepparttar 105202 printer, wait until it was done to figure postage, apply postage and addresses, and drop it off atrepparttar 105203 post office. This whole process could take you a whole month to finish. And if you’re say mailing fromrepparttar 105204 West Coast… it would be another week before East Coast recipients received their copy. With MOL your document is printed and dropped inrepparttar 105205 mail from several dozen USPS distribution points acrossrepparttar 105206 country…so everyone gets their document atrepparttar 105207 same time no matter where they live inrepparttar 105208 US.

As Easy As Typing An Email

MOL users don’t need to know anything more about document creation than how to type and save a document on their hard drive. Novice computer users can use their PC “Notepad” utility and saverepparttar 105209 document as a text (TXT) file. Most users will probably use Microsoft Word and create a slightly more appealing document. You may already have access to documents through your company that have a more professional appearance. You could also invest in a copy of Microsoft Publisher as it provides many templates to choose from and makes professional document creation a snap.

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