I imagine you have heard calamity howlers, pessimistic viewpoints on what web owners should and should not put on their websites and no doubt every scare tactic used to get you to buy some protection. Well......you should be scared. What am I selling? The simple idea of taking action before you possibly find yourself in a legal entanglement that could literally cost you thousands of dollars AND unimagineable stress.
You don't think it could happen to you. Well, I think it's time to do a reality check in your world.
Thousands of frivolous lawsuits in areas too numerous to mention are brought on countless unsuspecting business owners and average person every day.
The truth is, when some lunatic and their blood sucking attorney financially and emotionally circumsizes you, they go for all your assets; both personal and business.
In this article, we are going to talk about one type of lawsuit that is getting huge amounts of attention on Internet which involves none other than FTC.
Now, FTC is really ramping up to crack down on Internet Marketers, and actively go after those of us that don't rigidly adhere to all their rules about disclosure and documentation.
I've heard that they filed 45 criminal and civil law enforcement actions against Internet Marketers, on May 15th alone. This is only beginning.
Due to this inherent rise of "websuits" as I call them, there are now various legal document sites showing up right and left on Internet that are designed and have every intentions of protecting you.
One website example is AutoWebLaw. Go to http://protectyourself.marketingvault.net to fully understand what these experts are recommending.
But I think underlying question here is: "Do they really work?" In my humble opinion, they're simply a start.