How To Indirectly Get To The Top Of Search Engines

Written by Ronald Gibson

Copyright 2005 Ronald Gibson

There are millions of web sites trying to get listed inrepparttar top 20 spots ofrepparttar 145285 major search engines. That amounts to a lot of competition! Even if your website can't get inrepparttar 145286 Top 20, you can use indirect ways to get it there.

How do you do this? By usingrepparttar 145287 success of others to your advantage. Look uprepparttar 145288 top 20 web sites onrepparttar 145289 major search engines underrepparttar 145290 keywords and phrases people would find your web site. The key would be to your website's link on those web sites.

The most expensive way would be to buy ad space on those web sites. If you don't want to spend any money, you could userepparttar 145291 ten strategies below. These strategies may not apply to every web site.

1. Participate on their discussion boards. You could post questions, answer other peoples questions, and join in on conversations. Just include your signature file and link atrepparttar 145292 end of your messages. This is a great way to build link popularity for your website.

2. Askrepparttar 145293 web site owner if they would like a f.ree ebook to giveaway to their visitors. You could have them link to your web site or include your ad inrepparttar 145294 f.ree ebook.

3. Submit content to their web site. You could write articles for their web site and include your resource box and link atrepparttar 145295 end ofrepparttar 145296 article. If they publish it, you'll indirectly be atrepparttar 145297 top ofrepparttar 145298 search engines and your site's link popularity will soar!

4. Write an excellent article review of their web site, products or services. Then publishrepparttar 145299 review on your web site. E-mailrepparttar 145300 web site owner and tell him or her about it. They may link to your web site so their visitors read it.

My Vision of Multiple Streams of Income, Part 2

Written by Peter Dobler

Copyright 2005 Peter Dobler

A while back I wrote a little article called “My Vision of Multiple Streams of Income”. After receiving several emails asking for a sequel and sharing more real life experience I decided to give an update on my journey with SFI and Stone Evans’ PIPS system.

As I mentioned in my last article I went off a good start with this system and I honestly can attest it really works. The only negative thing is, if you want to call it this way, that I put a lot of effort into this project. The system is designed to run on autopilot, that’s great. But until you’ve reached a certain level of visibility, you need run your promotions aroundrepparttar clock. I’m almost there.

As an example: I run several Google AdWords campaigns to promote my website and SFI. The reason for this is simple. This is a highly competitive market and achieving high rankings withrepparttar 145284 major search engines takes a long time and due torepparttar 145285 rough competition you won’t be able to reachrepparttar 145286 top without a few backdoor tricks.

So I tookrepparttar 145287 route of actually spending some advertising money and in return I have a wide spread exposure. Rememberrepparttar 145288 baseball movie with Kevin Kostner “Field of Dreams” withrepparttar 145289 famous remark “If you build it they will come”? Unfortunately this is no longer true forrepparttar 145290 internet.

Back torepparttar 145291 topic of controllingrepparttar 145292 advertising cost with Google AdWords. I closely track my expenses and I keep a lit on it if it gets too high.

The tricky part is to decide when it is too high. I don’t have an answer for this. For me it means whatever I’m comfortable with. Because you’re building residual income and you’re not aiming for a single sale. This is hard to gauge. Conversion rates are useless, although my conversion rate so far is over 20%. That is pretty good from what I read about this topic. What this number means in subsequent income has to be determined.

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