How To Increase Psychic Accuracy

Written by Alan Tutt

How To Increase Psychic Accuracy by Alan Tutt

One ofrepparttar faults that I find with many "professional" psychics is this, they are horribly inaccurate! They say things like "There's something aboutrepparttar 122189 month of May for you, right?" or "I get a name like 'Dan' or 'Dave' or something with a 'D', do you know who that is?" or even "I see a small child around you, this could mean that you are going to have a child, or someone you know is going to have a child, or maybe they already do have a child, or maybe it means that you are going to start a new project." Come on now, that could mean anything. And if it could mean anything, it really means nothing!

One reason that people accept these kinds of statements is that psychic perception has a very vague, mysterious quality about it. Very few people really know how psychic perceptions work. This was true about electricity for many years, and may even be true today although everyone I know personally has a good understanding of it. Another reason many people accept vague psychic readings is simply because they want to believe whatever they want to believe. For instance,repparttar 122190 statement above aboutrepparttar 122191 small child. Someone may secretly be wanting to start a new project, so they will takerepparttar 122192 statement as confirmation that they should startrepparttar 122193 project.

There are other reasons that vague, unmeaningful statement end up being accepted. Personally, I've never accepted these kinds of statements, and I don't see any reason that anyone else should accept them either. Inrepparttar 122194 Keys To Power, I have tried to enable anyone to increase their psychic accuracy torepparttar 122195 point where these kind of excuses aren't necessary. There are a few techniques which allow you to increase your accuracy of perception torepparttar 122196 point where you can give exact details.

There are actually several exercises and techniques which will do this for you. First of all, you will need to increase your perceptive abilities onrepparttar 122197 physical level. If you can accurately describe a physical object, then you will increase your abilities to accurately describe your perceptions onrepparttar 122198 psychic level. This isrepparttar 122199 first exercise inrepparttar 122200 Keys To Power - Step by Step course, which shows how important accurate perceptions are torepparttar 122201 system.

You can measurerepparttar 122202 degree of your physical perceptive ability (and your ability to describe those perceptions) by writing down everything you can about an object. If you start with a simple object, like a fork or a pencil, you won't have to fill a whole book describingrepparttar 122203 object. With a simple object, you should be able to fill a couple of pages of written notes about it, however. At least 50 to 100 different details aboutrepparttar 122204 object. A more complex object like a flower, or a piece of fruit, will give you enough details to fill a couple dozen pages minimum!

The next most important aspect of developing accuracy in psychic perceptions is your connection to that level of reality. The psychic level of reality has several different names depending on what tradition you come from. Some call itrepparttar 122205 astral level, others call itrepparttar 122206 spiritual level, andrepparttar 122207 term etheric level is also used. Inrepparttar 122208 Keys To Power, I generally associaterepparttar 122209 psychic level andrepparttar 122210 astral level together, but since terminology is irrelevant, you can call it whatever you want. The important thing is to tap into it and be able to perceive what's there.

Anam Cara Making sense of life

Written by Tony Cuckson

In Corrogue this Anam Cara or Soul Friend is coming to his senses.

This morning it is a wet and windy Sunday morning. Each Sunday morning is an extended morning of rest. It is a morning of practice. I practice slowly coming to my senses. It is a morning in which I practice deep caring forrepparttar body andrepparttar 122188 soul. This is a practice of awareness ofrepparttar 122189 sensationalism of life moment to moment.

We are beings ofrepparttar 122190 senses.

We make sense of our world viarepparttar 122191 senses. The senses are gateways. They keep us locked into a certain reality but they can berepparttar 122192 medium of freedom fromrepparttar 122193 limitation we call “our life.” For too long religion has labelledrepparttar 122194 senses as something “not quite nice.” For too long we have separated our senses as being something “not spiritual.” Many of our religions have donerepparttar 122195 same withrepparttar 122196 sensational experience we call sex.

As an Aman Cara I teach spirituality ofrepparttar 122197 senses. I teach what Van Morrison calls “A sense of wonder.” An Anam Cara teaches you to honourrepparttar 122198 sensuality and grace ofrepparttar 122199 body. They teach you to honour this grace by letting go “disgrace that is inherent in our social conditioning. Our nature isrepparttar 122200 nature of grace and notrepparttar 122201 illusion of disgrace. Our nature isrepparttar 122202 nature of beauty.

Coming to our senses is what I call, “The feeling way.”

Being attentive torepparttar 122203 senses allows life to be felt as sensational. We tend to see that which is sensational as being outside ourselves. We gather more and more sensational images in our newspapers, on our televisions and from other media forms. We ourselves do not enterrepparttar 122204 sensational. Thus we lock ourselves out of heaven. This heaven is this wonder called “life” inrepparttar 122205 eternal now.

We do not enterrepparttar 122206 sensational realisation that we arerepparttar 122207 “flow of life.”

We have become non-sensible people. We have become cerebral people. We try to “make sense.” We do not attune ourselves to being “able to sense.” This is not surprising. As children we felt sensational. We knew in ways we have forgotten.

We knew what we liked and did not like. We just did not haverepparttar 122208 words to explain. This was until we were told that trusting our senses was "not nice." It could mean that you toldrepparttar 122209 truth and God help us someone might then be offended. You might have known that Joe Bloggs was not safe to be around but you overrode this fact by being told that you were not “being nice.”

Thus your sensational body and its wondrous intelligence were swapped forrepparttar 122210 experience of “niceness in all things.” You tookrepparttar 122211 first steps away from trusting your “inner telling sense.” For most of usrepparttar 122212 experience of trusting ourselves was downhill from there on in.

An Anam Cara encourages you to return torepparttar 122213 wisdom ofrepparttar 122214 body andrepparttar 122215 senses. This isrepparttar 122216 whole body and not just fromrepparttar 122217 neck up. The Anam Cara values your sensitivity. They value trust in your sensitivity. The senses take you into a deeper appreciation of beauty than any cerebral description. The senses take you intorepparttar 122218 place ofrepparttar 122219 now. This isrepparttar 122220 only time you have to be alive. This isrepparttar 122221 only place where you can haverepparttar 122222 time of your life.

Developing sensitivity means trustingrepparttar 122223 wisdom ofrepparttar 122224 senses.

It means trustingrepparttar 122225 wisdom ofrepparttar 122226 body. It means trusting your inner knowing. This is your intuition and your inner teaching. It requiresrepparttar 122227 ability to feelrepparttar 122228 feelings that flow in, or are blocked in,repparttar 122229 body. These are all feelings. Thus you begin to perceive life inrepparttar 122230 body and not life inrepparttar 122231 head. Your body becomes a vehicle for seeingrepparttar 122232 real life beyond “thinking about” your life.

Coming to your senses makes you more sensible.

This is not sensible in a cerebral sense. This isrepparttar 122233 less used bodily wisdom we callrepparttar 122234 “ability to sense.” When you are more able to allow your body to sense you make clearer decisions. You are not so threatened. You have no need to constantly rationalise your choices.

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