How To Help Your Dog With Food Allergies

Written by Gene Sower

Because every dog is unique, it's sometimes very difficult to determine what causes food-related allergies and what doesn't. Common pet food culprits include wheat, corn and soy. Various proteins also create their share of problems in certain dogs. I was shocked to learn that some dogs are allergic to chicken, while I know from first-hand experience that my Jack Russell Terrier Lucy used to be allergic to beef. Here's an approach worth trying if your dog is exessively itching and scratching.

My Dog Wouldn't Do That!

Written by Ed Williams

What’srepparttar world comin’ to?

I know that’s notrepparttar 125618 typical opening to one of my columns, but this one is different because I’m having a real hard time writing it. I’m in pain. Real physical pain. There are two holes inrepparttar 125619 back left knee of my sweatpants, and I also have about a one inch scratch right onrepparttar 125620 back of that same knee that’s really stinging. And guess why? A &%*@ dog bit me!

That’s right, a dog just took a little chunk out of me. And ya’ll might be wondering just how it happened, at least I hope y‘all are.

I typically walk a couple of miles each day, and I do it onrepparttar 125621 roads that wind through our subdivision. It’s a pretty hilly walk, you get a nice view of some great houses, and I typically enjoy it.

Today, I was out walking and was working my way through one of our side streets. I’d just walked past this one house with an open garage, and when I did, I heard some barking. Didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but that changed when it became obvious thatrepparttar 125622 barking was getting closer and closer to me. I turned, and found myself staring straight intorepparttar 125623 eyes of a chocolate brown lab.

This lab was a good sized dog, and he was growling like he meant business. I figured thatrepparttar 125624 best thing to do was to just slowly walk away, which is exactly what I tried to do. I took a couple of steps, and then felt something nip up againstrepparttar 125625 back of my left knee. When I turned around,repparttar 125626 dog jumped back, tensed, and I thought it was gonna try and bite me again. Note that I said try and bite me again. I’m not ashamed to admit that that I was going to kickrepparttar 125627 living hell out of him had he gone for a second helping. Fortunately, he backed off and I got out of there as quickly as I could.

Know what cheeses me offrepparttar 125628 most about this whole situation? There are leash laws in our community, and those laws are in place for a reason. Suppose this dog had been bigger and had inflicted more damage? Suppose he’d charged out intorepparttar 125629 road after a ball and had gotten struck by a car? Suppose he’d bitten a small child? That’s why leash laws are onrepparttar 125630 books inrepparttar 125631 first place.

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