How To Get a Low Interest Credit Card

Written by Tom Coleman

Consumers often haverepparttar first credit card that they ever applied for, never really analizing howrepparttar 144501 interest rate affects their payments, but many other options exist and can help consumers decrease their payments and achieve financial stability.

With interest rates on some credit cards rising to over 23%, even low balance credit card debt can be crippling. One ofrepparttar 144502 first research elements a prospective borrower should look at isrepparttar 144503 interest rate on transferred debt. This interest rate is often lower thanrepparttar 144504 usual interest rate forrepparttar 144505 credit card, and can be an especially good deal for borrowers who have debt already. Another element to consider isrepparttar 144506 interest rate on new purchases – this rate will berepparttar 144507 main concern inrepparttar 144508 years to come, as this new credit card will probably becomerepparttar 144509 most heavily used. Borrowers often worry about annual fees, but these are often temporary. Getting a credit card with low interest rates will save a borrower significant sums, usually much more thanrepparttar 144510 annual fee. Plus, once good credit is established,repparttar 144511 annual fee may later be waived.

Another interest rate will usually apply, as well –repparttar 144512 rate for cash advances. Cash advances are usually limited to a couple hundred dollars, but credit card companies often insist that when paying backrepparttar 144513 balance,repparttar 144514 credit portion must be paid back first, thenrepparttar 144515 portion thatrepparttar 144516 cash advance applies to. So if you are going to keep a balance on your credit card, be aware that cash advance interest rates are higher thanrepparttar 144517 regular interest rates. Cash advances can be incredibly helpful in emergencies, though, when a credit card cannot be used.

Winning the Credit Game

Written by Cecily Backstrom

Everywhere we go,repparttar word credit can be found, shining huge dollar signs in front of our very eyes. Everyday we receive solicitation and promotions offering us credit. Credit actually makesrepparttar 144500 financial world go round, yet justrepparttar 144501 mere mention ofrepparttar 144502 word can make many people very nervous. So why does credit get such a bad reputation?

It's been my experience that credit falls intorepparttar 144503 same category as politics and religion. People have very strong opinions about Credit. It has been around sincerepparttar 144504 beginning of mankind. People would borrow either goods or services, to be repaid at a later date with interest. There's nothing wrong with that. And like anything else, it can be used, or abused.

There are programs that allow you to borrow from your IRA, or you can borrow fromrepparttar 144505 equity that had built up in your home. Credit card companies often offer promotions to borrow money at a lowered rate of interest for a predetermined period. It's all good news forrepparttar 144506 consumer. One ofrepparttar 144507 simplest ways to borrow money to use a Credit Card. The choices available are plentiful, with a variety of interest charges, annual fees, loyalty programs, and reward systems.

Many companies offer 6 months no interest credit. This is often an excellent way of saving money as you are basically given an interest free loan for those months. It's even more valuable if you are able to transfer some ofrepparttar 144508 card debt from a different company intorepparttar 144509 interest free loan. The best advice is to make sure you always haverepparttar 144510 money inrepparttar 144511 bank, or in a savings account, to pay off your card when you are taking advantage ofrepparttar 144512 interest free promotion.

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