How To Get Your Online Education -- Conclusion

Written by Joe Bingham


Have you ever had a teacher atrepparttar end of a course makerepparttar 119003 following statement?

"I hope you have learned as much from me as I have learned from you."

Why would a teacher say something like this? Is it just modesty? No. It's because teachers know that having students pushes them to learn more themselves.

Why is this? Because students ask questions. If you are answering questions asked of you by others, it makes you think, and it keeps you sharp. Often, just listening to a different view offered by another makes you more fully understand your own opinions. As you explain yourself to others, you have to go through your own thoughts in greater detail. This not only ends up being beneficial to those you speak to, but to you.

At times, someone may ask you something that you don't know as well. So, in order to answerrepparttar 119004 question, you do some research. This both makes you learn, and makes you find additional resources to further your own education.

In helping others, you'll also be forced to look ahead. You'll discover other things that you want to learn more about. You'll also start to see trends as to what others want to know, and you'll be able to anticipate their needs. If your goal is to sell information online, this is critical to developing new products that fill a need and will sell.

Other benefits for businessmen or women include building a good reputation, and making contact with potential customers. If you show what you know to those who ask, they often will return and offer to pay for more information or take advantage of your products or services.

How To Get Your Online Education -- Part Three

Written by Joe Bingham


Let's face it, you can read up and study a subject all you want, and you can learn a great deal, but eventually you'll come to a stand still in your learning process unless you start to APPLY what you have learned.

Say you've been studying gardening. You may haverepparttar necessary growing season, seed depth at planting, and preferred lighting of every plant memorized, but that still won't net you any tomatoes.

There comes a point when your learning will only advance when you take ACTION!

When you start applying your education to actual doing, you begin to develop another critical learning tool. Experience. The immediate benefit, of course, is that you'll start to seerepparttar 119002 things you've learned play out right in front of you. You won't have to accept that learning on faith anymore. Through experience, you gain a knowledge for yourself.

Experience undoubtedly leads to mistakes, but even they are great for learning. Keep track of how you do things so that when mistakes do happen you'll have some information ready to help you analyze them. Often, analyzing what went wrong leads to new ideas of how to make things work better.

Applied action also helps you to better understandrepparttar 119003 expert advice you have sought out and are gaining from others. Now, as you still seek that expert advice, you will be asking more informed and detailed questions. This isrepparttar 119004 time having a mentor or expert contact can berepparttar 119005 most beneficial. Instead of talking abstractly, you can now discuss specific situations and details.

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