How To Get Your BLOGS Site Feed Listed In Yahoo! and MSN Within HOURS, Is Easier Then You Think

Written by Cory Threlfall

Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

BLOGS... they seem to berepparttar talk ofrepparttar 135920 Internet marketing world these days, and for good reason.

Not only dorepparttar 135921 Search Engines love them for there Content Rich pages, you also haverepparttar 135922 ability to plug your Blogs "Site Feed" into an RSS feed and then have it syndicated to thousands of websites and directories giving your content more exposure to your target audience.

RSS(Real Simple Syndication) is a very Powerful technology that has been around for quite some time and when used correctly, can build an audience overnight.

If you want a crash course on what RSS is, in more depth, sincerepparttar 135923 nature of this article is to show you how to get your Blogs "Site Feed" listed in Yahoo! and MSN, I've provided a link to a page full of articles on RSS related issues.

Now, depending on where your Blog is hosted, whether its through a free service like -- or hosted on your websites server you should have a "Site Feed URL" that hasrepparttar 135924 .XML extension.

This is your "Site Feed URL".

You'll usually locate it within your Settings area of Blog control center.

Here's what mine looks like as an example:

This URL is intended for a RSS News Reader, so disregard its appearance.

Once you find your "Site Feed URL", copy and paste it into Notepad because you'll need it forrepparttar 135925 next steps coming ahead.

Now, what you need to do is go and set-up an My Yahoo! and My MSN account.

I've providedrepparttar 135926 links for you below.

- My Yahoo! ==>

- My MSN ==>

It should only take you about 15-20 minutes atrepparttar 135927 most.

If you already have accounts with My Yahoo! and My MSN, read on.

This is assuming you already have your accounts set-up, so your next step is to Login to your My Yahoo! account.

When you login, you'll be taken to your Yahoo! page immediately.

What you want to do next is go look underrepparttar 135928 Yahoo! search box torepparttar 135929 left and click onrepparttar 135930 "Add Content" link.

This will bring you to a new page.

From there, over torepparttar 135931 right byrepparttar 135932 "Find" button you'll see an "Add RSS by URL" link, click on it.

A new window will open with a "Web Form". Simply copy and paste your "Site Feed URL" from Notepad intorepparttar 135933 web form and click onrepparttar 135934 "Add" button.

Now, you should see your Blogs name infront of you. Simply click onrepparttar 135935 yellow "Add To My Yahoo!" button and your feed will be added.

Your Words Will Determine Your Business!

Written by Arun Pal Singh

Copyright 2005 Arun Pal Singh

Be careful when you write.

Words you use, sentences you phrase will reveal what you are.

We come across so many examples daily.

There are sales letters that I do not even bother to go beyond first few lines.

There are others which keep me hooked tillrepparttar end.

What differentiates one from another?

-Use ofrepparttar 135879 right language.

What is right language you might ask?

-It depends uponrepparttar 135880 occasion, I would say.

When you interact inrepparttar 135881 real world your facial gestures and voice modulation can to some extent compensate forrepparttar 135882 wrong selection of words though that too becomes difficult sometimes.

But internet is a faceless world.

Here your sole medium of communication isrepparttar 135883 written word. It is in your emails. It is in your sales letters. It is in your website, advertisements and not to speak of many other things.

So when you use wrong word onrepparttar 135884 net you will not be pardoned. Online business thrives onrepparttar 135885 written sentences. Whether they take a form of sales letter, a promotional article or communication with your potential customers, your writing will influence your business.

What you write forms a personality of its own. In language each word has a unique identity, a unique meaning. Further amalgamation of words into sentences forms a structure that may vary inrepparttar 135886 shape depending upon words chosen and how well they have been knit.

This whole process will differentiate a well built writing from a poor one.

This whole process will eventually distinguish an impact from a thud.

Yes! You should choose your words carefully and knit them diligently.

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