How To Get What You're Worth Online

Written by Dale Armin Miller

I have a guideline that, if something produces one sale per year and costs less than my profit for that sale, then it may well be worth doing. In fact, that's part of my formula for marketing success: try everything you've learned about and that you can make up. I promote in many different ways; there's no one major method that most of my hits come from. And I'm always experimenting. (Good thing, because things keep changing online.)

But I have another guideline:

Ofrepparttar methods that are worth doing, do those that producerepparttar 117987 most amount of net profit usingrepparttar 117988 least amount of my time. (Just too brilliant for words, isn't it?)

And that's why you should hire a maid.


Success And Your Hourly Worth

Two questions:

What isrepparttar 117989 least amount of money you *want* to make, or make per week, or make whenever?

What isrepparttar 117990 largest number of hours per week or whenever you are willing to devote to earning that?

Divide your answer torepparttar 117991 first question by your answer torepparttar 117992 second question.

(Do it. Really. I'm not busy -- I'll wait.)

That gives you what I'll call "your hourly worth."

Now, chances are you want to treat that number, instead, as what you wish to make. That is known not as hourly worth but as a "wish." Here's how to make that wish into a reality:

Step One

Don't treat it as a wish.

Treat it as your hourly worth. Say "This is what that hour is worth to me." Not just once, but always, for everything on which you spend time. It's should be your answer even --especially!-- when someone asks what you charge.

If you do that consistently enough, and refuse any and all alternatives and naysayers, eventuallyrepparttar 117993 world will have no choice but to agree with you.

For example, I just bought a new computer. Do I have enough money to pay for it? Perhaps strangely, I think that question is irrelevant!

Energy Saving Strategies for Your Office

Written by Doris Dobkins

Whether you work out of your home or commute to a job, here are some steps to take that will save on energy costs.

1. When you aren't using your Personal Computer, laser printer, or copier machine, turn them off. Just turning this equipment off at night and on weekends can save you up to $100 a year. Per Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), turning computers on and off doesn't usually shorten their lives or create energy surges but it is best to leave them on at least an hour at a time. Per PG&E, it costs from 1 to 2 cents per hour to run a computer. That might not sound like a lot of money but for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,repparttar cost is $131 a year. Many people have more than one computer in their home as well as printers or copiers. And commercial offices are loaded with this type of equipment.

I personally have three computers and three printers. If I were to leave them all on 24/7, my annual electricity costs would be about $786 (based on 1.5 cents per hour). I can reduce that number 85% by just turning off my equipment when it is not in use.

2. When you are working on a document try printing as few drafts as possible. Consider usingrepparttar 117986 print preview option and editing onrepparttar 117987 computer screen. This will not only save you electricity but paper, ink and toner as well.

3. Use email as much as possible. Save paper and printing costs by transferring information by modem or disk whenever possible.

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