How To Get Web Site Traffic

Written by F. Terrence Markle

How To Get Web Site Traffic

By F. Terrence Markle

Web site traffic is essential to having a thriving online business. You cannot have enough web site traffic (visitors) unless it isrepparttar wrong traffic or you do not want to continue to build your business. Your chances of selling a product or service is proportional torepparttar 120192 level of targeted and qualified web site traffic to your site. It is not an easy task gettingrepparttar 120193 right kind of web site traffic to your site. You do not get this web site traffic without expending your time, energy and sometimes hard-earned money.

There are many different ways to generate traffic to your web site. The various web site traffic generating methods and strategies need to be researched, evaluated and implemented to determine which ones will result in increasing your web site traffic and hopefullyrepparttar 120194 sales of your product or service.

Unfortunately, most web site traffic generators take time to produce a measurable result. The time required depends onrepparttar 120195 method and approach you take. It is easy to give up whenrepparttar 120196 method or approach you take to generating targeted and qualified web site traffic to your site does not result in success.

Testingrepparttar 120197 different methods and approaches is essential to gettingrepparttar 120198 traffic to your web site. Whenever a method fails to deliverrepparttar 120199 results you want, try a different one. Keep trying different methods or approaches to generating web site traffic until you findrepparttar 120200 one that works for your web site.

Some ofrepparttar 120201 more common methods of generating web site traffic include:

* Search Engine Optimization

It is no secret that search engines arerepparttar 120202 number one traffic generating method for driving visitors to web sites. Search engines are very useful in helping people findrepparttar 120203 relevant information they seek onrepparttar 120204 Internet. The major search engines develop and maintain their own gigantic database of web sites that can be searched by a user typing in a keyword or keyword phrase inrepparttar 120205 search box.

Search engine optimization (SEO) isrepparttar 120206 process of studyingrepparttar 120207 search engines in an effort to determine how to get your web site to rank high on user searches. Depending onrepparttar 120208 statistical information reviewed, search engines account for over 80% ofrepparttar 120209 visitor traffic to web sites.

* Pay-Per-Click

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is when an advertiser pays for each qualified click that sends a search engine user (i.e., visitor) torepparttar 120210 advertiser’s web page. PPC requiresrepparttar 120211 advertiser to bid on key words or key word phrases chosen byrepparttar 120212 advertiser. There are many PPC advertising services available to choose from. Google AdWords and Overture are probablyrepparttar 120213 two most popular in use today.

10 Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales

Written by Vern Anderson

1. When you make your first sale, follow-up withrepparttar customer. You could follow-up with a "thank you" email and include an advertisement for other products you sell. You could follow-up every few months.

2. You could upsell to your customers. When they're at your order page, tell them about a few extra related products you have for sale. They could just add it to their original order.

3. Tell your customers if they refer four customers to your web site, they will receive a full rebate of their purchase price. This will turn one sale into three sales.

4. When you sell a product, give your customersrepparttar 120191 option of joining an affiliate program so they can make commissions selling your product. This will multiply repparttar 120192 sale you just made.

5. Sellrepparttar 120193 reprint/reproduction rights to your products. You could include an ad on or withrepparttar 120194 product for other products you sell. You could make sales forrepparttar 120195 reproduction rights and sales onrepparttar 120196 back end product.

6. You could cross promote your product with other businesses' products in a package deal. You can include an ad or flyer for other products you sell and have other businesses selling for you.

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