How To Evaluate A Product Opportunity

Written by Catherine Franz

Day after day my in box, and I'm sure yours as well, fills with opportunity propaganda on how to make money. Do this, and poof, you're rich. Become an affiliate and sell my ebook, and poof, you're making lots of money. I don't know about you, but I can't tell what’s a good opportunity and what’s not any more. Because of this, I created a list of nine criteria, a sort-of checklist, to use when I do find something that I don't think is full of "poof."

1. Isrepparttar product any good -- in my opinion, and in my markets?

This is especially true for me. I've found that informational fre*e products are nothing more than a tease. I just get tired of wading through 150 pages to find four pages that have anything "real." In addition, if they aren't decently organized or written, less than 2 out of 25 reach this fromrepparttar 103751 hundreds I've read, how different isrepparttar 103752 information?

Why would anyone want to pay $49 or $249 forrepparttar 103753 same thing offered in a $20 book? E-books aren't books. People don't buy them forrepparttar 103754 same reason. Even ifrepparttar 103755 product isn't an informational product, what is different, unique, and important enough for me to buy that I can't buy somewhere else for less? Arerepparttar 103756 solutions clear, or presented fromrepparttar 103757 producer’s viewpoint and give me a sale dance?

Some people don't care and sell anything. Does this producer fall into that category? If they do, it’s usually apparent. I've asked website owners who sell outside products about many confess they haven't read or tried it, and don't care about its truthfulness or value, justrepparttar 103758 revenue. I cringe when I get an e-mail that personally promotes a teleseminar and then inrepparttar 103759 material it says, "first time given."

How does this build trust and credibility? Well, it doesn't. Smart people don't return. The seller now incursrepparttar 103760 label ofrepparttar 103761 producer. Please, please, please, if you come across a poor product, ask for a refund. These people are counting on you not havingrepparttar 103762 courage or takingrepparttar 103763 time to ask. If this would occur more frequently,repparttar 103764 marketplace would demand and receive higher quality. Silence keeps poor products circulating. Vote with your wallet.

2. What isrepparttar 103765 market demand status for this product?

Where onrepparttar 103766 bell curve does demand fall? The bell curve, a symmetrical curve for illustrating where a product stands inrepparttar 103767 sales process, slowly rises for new products, reaches a curved plateau, then spirals down, sometimes fast, sometimes atrepparttar 103768 same grade of its rise, depending onrepparttar 103769 product and economic market conditions. This holds true for physical or information products wherever distributed.

How long hasrepparttar 103770 product been inrepparttar 103771 marketplace? Is it new, old, or been over exposed? This takes some research. Caution though, ifrepparttar 103772 original producer doesn't answer your question, that gives yourepparttar 103773 answer. What plans doesrepparttar 103774 producer have for future sales product? Is it being offered to just anyone? Is he just starting? One strategy for ebooks sales is to sell to early adaptors, then set up an "everyone" affiliate program. What is their definition of "everyone?"

Isrepparttar 103775 opportunity going from retail product to Internet? Some opportunities don't work well with this conversion. For instance, take Coke, it’s sold retail and won't work on- line. Website hosting and domain name is now an over sold opportunity. Jumping in on this product is jumping in on a plateau product that requires major pushing for production if you want enough worthwhile revenue. Are you willing to put enough effort into it (discussed later)?

3. Who Is The Producer?

Isrepparttar 103776 producer a stable company or new? The major reason new businesses have difficulty selling is because people take a wait and see stance. People prefer to buy from successful people and companies. Statistics confirm that 85% of new business will not be around next year. People want to buy from successful ventures, successful people, people that have stability, tenure.

At this point, if I am unable to uncover any solid information aboutrepparttar 103777 company, I don't continue past this point. Don't have any hesitancy about emailing or calling them with questions. Many times, I can't even find a phone number. No response, droprepparttar 103778 opportunity and move on to another.

Guerilla Marketing

Written by Jonathan R Taylor

The biggest reason why most new business startups fail today can be attributed to lack of marketing. No matter how great your product or service is, if you don’t promote your business, you won’t have customers. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be expensive, when you’re just starting out onrepparttar entrepreneurial path. An excellent book I recommend is “Guerilla Marketing for Free” by Jay Conrad Levinson. It gives several great marketing ideas that don’t cost a dime. Some include:

Ø Making Guarantees (money back if not completely satisfied) and offering Free Trials - These are both ways of removingrepparttar 103750 feeling of risk in your prospects eyes.

Ø Offering Gift Certificates- An excellent gift idea for customers, prospects or friends and a great way to spreadrepparttar 103751 word about your business.

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