How To Design Your Website For Maximum Sales

Written by Michael Low

1. Front Page

Make it brief and quick loading. Avoid large graphics, fancy Flash movies and hefty Javascripts. Have a sharp marketing focus. Display your most important marketing information on your front page. Avoid filling it with tons of details or hyperlinks. Your front page's primary function is to capturerepparttar visitors' attention and generate further desired actions such asrepparttar 134567 browsing of your sales catalog.

2. Web Design

Adopt attractive and professional designs. If you are not skillful with HTML and graphics, engage a professional web designer to produce your website. This is one investment that will pay off inrepparttar 134568 long run. Your website is your online salesperson. It reflects your business image. An attractively designed site builds sales credibility and trust.

Create a uniform theme. Use uniform colors and graphics throughout your site. Take a peek atrepparttar 134569 websites of top market players in your industry. What kind of design do they adopt? If they are atrepparttar 134570 top, they are definitely getting it right!

Test your pages on computers with different screen resolutions and connection speeds. Do you encounter any bugs or layout issues? Browse your website from your potential customers' prospective!

3. Site Navigation

Lack of navigational links or too much of them affect sales.

Sites with little navigational links leave visitors stranded as they browse deeper. A common navigational menu, either atrepparttar 134571 left-hand side orrepparttar 134572 top and bottom of every page, ensures a smoother browsing experience.

How to Use Pop Ups Without Annoying Your Visitors

Written by Merle

Atrepparttar risk of losing you before we even get started, I'm going to say a "dirty" word: Pop Up (as in Windows). If you're like me, you've been popped more times than a firecracker onrepparttar 134566 4th of July...but that's no reason to click away in disgust.

There is a method of using pop ups that won't annoy your website guests and can actually benefit you in a variety of ways inrepparttar 134567 long run. Impossible, you say? No! If you implement a pop up correctly, your guests won't be annoyed at all. Let's face it:repparttar 134568 majority of people who put pop ups on their sites go about it allrepparttar 134569 wrong way. Most of them are triggered upon entry torepparttar 134570 website, when a visitor is trying to focus on whatrepparttar 134571 site has to offer.

In this instance,repparttar 134572 least you can say aboutrepparttar 134573 pop up is that it is annoying and distracting. (The most you can say is something I'll leave up to your imagination!)

The visitor who has just entered your site is trying to see what you have to offer and does not want to be bothered with another window. Odds are, she'll close it without even glancing at what's being presented.

This isrepparttar 134574 wrong way to use pop ups. Why would you want to bombard someone as soon as he sets foot in your front door? It's like coming home from a long day at work, walking inrepparttar 134575 front door and being confronted byrepparttar 134576 wife,repparttar 134577 kids, andrepparttar 134578 dog, all vying for your attention. You wouldn't like it -- and this is exactly how your visitors feel when you pullrepparttar 134579 same stunt on them when entering your site.

So if making a window pop up immediately upon entering your site is wrong, how do you make it right?

The best way to use a pop up is upon exit. Translation: when your guest is ready to leave your site -- then, and only then -- is when your pop up box should appear. At this point, your message will be better received and not seen as an obtrusion. You might compare it to someone coming over for a visit and on his way outrepparttar 134580 door you say, "Hey, don't forget about this." It's a gentle reminder. So, how can you use this beneficial reminder? Here arerepparttar 134581 most popular: 1) To remind them to subscribe to your ezine

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