How To Conduct Effective Meetings

Written by Susan Cullen

Before you call your next meeting,repparttar FIRST step is to decide if it is really essential. To determine that, ask yourselfrepparttar 103343 following:

· Is this meeting essential? · Can we do without it? · Can we accomplishrepparttar 103344 task without a meeting? · Can it wait another week? · Can we get things done with few meetings?

Then, if you have decided a meeting isrepparttar 103345 best way to accomplish your objective,repparttar 103346 following tips can help you conduct more effective meetings:

1.Start and end meetings on time. Make sure everyone knows what time you are to start and to end. If you have an ending time, you will find your time is more productive inrepparttar 103347 time allotted.

2.Have an open agenda onrepparttar 103348 chalkboard or flip chart. Participants can add an item beforerepparttar 103349 meeting. However, they must be prepared to leadrepparttar 103350 discussion if they put an item onrepparttar 103351 agenda.

Leadership: Wisdom of the Ages

Written by Susan Cullen

If you gather 100 experienced leaders together to share with you their most important secrets for success, you probably wouldn’t hear a lot of academic theory or jargon. Instead, this is a good idea of what you’d hear:

1) Put ethics first.

If you make unethical decisions for short-term gain, you will lose inrepparttar end. Let your principles guide you inrepparttar 103342 many decisions you must make regarding business practices and people. You will regret it if you don’t.

2) Surround yourself withrepparttar 103343 best people you can find.

If you are able to attractrepparttar 103344 brightest, most dedicated, most talented people, they will move your organization forward. Leverage their skills, ideas and creativity… your people are your greatest asset.

3) Show your staff you value them personally.

Research showsrepparttar 103345 personal relationship with a direct manager isrepparttar 103346 key for retaining your best and your brightest. Don’t ever withhold your praise. Tell them why you value them and recognize their contributions.

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