How To Build Up Your Samples for your Portfolio Without Professional Experience

Written by Rachel Goldstein

Article submitted by - 1000s of freelance jobs

What should you do if you have no professional examples to place in your portfolio? If you are in a situation where you don't have any professional samples to place into your portfolio, then you obviously have a lot of work to do. You might be able to get away with placing classroom projects into your "book", but you would have a much better chance with "real world" samples. Below, please find suggestions on building your sample-base.

There are several ways that you can build up your portfolio:

**First Time Give Away - Offer your services for free first-time orders. Seek out small business owners and offer your services for free. Explain that if they like your servicesrepparttar next consultation will come with a fee. Ifrepparttar 106141 client likes your work, you might have found yourself steady work or better yet, he might refer people to you. Remember to always finish a project by askingrepparttar 106142 client if they know of any potential clients that you could contact.

**Nonprofit Organizations - Volunteer your services for free to local community organizations where you live. This is a great way to build up your portfolio. Look in your phone book for religious, educational, social, and political organizations. Most nonprofit organizations would be thrilled to get something for free considering their budget is probably pretty tight. Try to negotiate intorepparttar 106143 deal that as payment you would like to have your business name and phone number onrepparttar 106144 finished piece (and if you have a website url, this should be printed onrepparttar 106145 finished product too). This is very fair. This might be a great way to drum up business and get a great sample for your portfolio atrepparttar 106146 same time.

For example, if you offer your design services to a church. There are probably a dozen small business owners inrepparttar 106147 congregation. Maybe one or two will take notice and ask about you.

**Friends and Family Members - Who better to help you than people that you love and trust? On a sheet of paper, write down all of your friends and adult family members. Do any of them own a business? Do any of them controlrepparttar 106148 hiring process withrepparttar 106149 company that they work for? Volunteer your skills out to your friend or family member. Make sure not to get yourself into a situation where this friend expects you always to work for free. Explain up front that this is for free only withrepparttar 106150 first project. Again, try to negotiate that your business name, phone number, and website url are printed somewhere onrepparttar 106151 finished product. If your friends and family members don't have any business for you, ask them if they know of anyone who could use your services.

**Hire Yourself First - Surely your own business could use your services so hire yourself. If you are a designer, you can create promotional materials for your business such as business cards, promotional brochures, letterhead, etc. If you are a writer, maybe you can write up promotional literature for your business. Of course, I don't know what your profession is, but try to find a way to put yourself to work.

**Dummy Samples / Mockups- As a last resort, you can create fictitious examples of your work. This could work for all professionals, but I am more familiar with this inrepparttar 106152 design industry. Create dummy brochures, newsletters, logos, and other pieces to demonstrate your range of skills. If you can show a potential client with mockups that you haverepparttar 106153 talent that they are looking for, then go for it. (For Designers) Even though this seems such a waste of your time, you can use these documents as templates for real projects that you will have inrepparttar 106154 future.

**Personal Things - (For Designers / Illustrators ) for special occasions you can design your own cards. If you have a yard sale, you can designrepparttar 106155 poster. Even if a neighbor is having a yard sale or a party, etc. ... why not ask them if you can designrepparttar 106156 cards or posters that go along withrepparttar 106157 occasion.

**Web Search - Do a search onrepparttar 106158 web for websites that you feel could use your service. Look for bad design layouts. If you consider yourself a web designer offer to redesignrepparttar 106159 website for free. If you are a graphic designer, offer to design this company's brochure or flyers. If you are a web marketer, look for nice sites that are hard to find inrepparttar 106160 search engines. Look for bad copy if you are a copywriter. Don't offer your free services out to everyone until you get a "yes" or "no" response; otherwise you might get ten "yes" answers.

4 Tips For The Successful Businessman

Written by Joop Liefaard

I have a passion forrepparttar bald eagle or Haliaeetus Leucuceohalus according to his scientific name. I have this passion as long as I can remember. But it is not a logical passion. I am Dutch and a passion for a bird of prey that is common in The Netherlands would be more obvious. But life is full of inexplicable surprises and left me with this passion forrepparttar 106140 bald eagle,repparttar 106141 national symbol ofrepparttar 106142 United States of America. I have seenrepparttar 106143 eagles only once in my life in their natural habitat and that was during a holiday in British Columbia in Canada. When I read about bald eagles and aboutrepparttar 106144 way they live, I always start thinking about what a businessman can learn from them in order to become successful and that is what this article is about. 1. Vision Bald eagles are birds that can often be found on very high altitudes. There they soar and with their very sharp eyesight they have a clear view onrepparttar 106145 world below them and especially onrepparttar 106146 prey they want to catch; fish, that is what they like most.They can seerepparttar 106147 milky white spot inrepparttar 106148 water from a distance of many miles. In high places they build their nests. On a rock, onrepparttar 106149 top of a tree but always on a spot where they have a good view onrepparttar 106150 world that surrounds them. And from their castle they see what is happening around them and that gives security. The businessman should also have a clear view on what is happening inrepparttar 106151 market. From very far he should recognize his potential customers and "attack" them atrepparttar 106152 right moment. Atrepparttar 106153 same time he should be aware ofrepparttar 106154 dangers that surround him, anticipate, absorbrepparttar 106155 environment and be prepared to act immediately. 2. Knowledge Bald eagles are confined to their territories. Withrepparttar 106156 seasons some migrate but you find bald eagles only in a specific habitat namely forests, mountains and near sea and rivers. You won't find them inrepparttar 106157 desert. In their habitat they know what to do, where they can find prey and which dangers surround them. By instinct and by learning they have knowledge aboutrepparttar 106158 way they have to conduct their lives and about how they have to behave in this habitat. They will never go beyondrepparttar 106159 limitations of this frame work. If they do, they die. This holds a lesson forrepparttar 106160 businessman. He should know everything about his business and when I say everything, I mean everything. He should know all aboutrepparttar 106161 products he sells from beginning to end, every detail should be an open book to him. He can never be surprised with questions on which he has no answers. He should know about marketing techniques,repparttar 106162 position and plans of competitors etc., etc. And if he doesn't possess this knowledge by nature, he has to learn it.

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