How To Beat Marketing Burn Out And Disillusionment

Written by Charles Kangethe

How To Beat Marketing Burn Out And Disillusionment, An Online Marketer's Occupational Hazard.

(c) 2004 Charles Kangethe

* Once Upon A Time --------------------

Many people set out on their Internet Marketing careers full of hope and enthusiasm.

However, within a year or two reality sets in and hope turns to disappointment andrepparttar enthusiasm wears off.

What goes wrong and how can you get back on track ?

* The Wheels Start To Come Off -------------------------------

Ironically, trouble starts with one ofrepparttar 130375 Internet's greatest strengths.


Or more precisely information overload.

As you research opportunities, so called "experts" tell you "how to do it", "when to do it", "where to do it" and offer you expensive tools and resources to help you do it.

You get confused fromrepparttar 130376 widely available advice and your progress suffers from lack of a consistent easy to follow plan.

Then just as you're getting your head aroundrepparttar 130377 information, your family jump in telling you how you are no longer any fun.

They tell you that you spend far too much time atrepparttar 130378 computer, and they want to know why you aren't earning any money.

Feeling their doubts, you start to doubt yourself.

But you struggle on, produce your first web site and ask a favourite forum to review it. Back comerepparttar 130379 opinions and advice on hundreds of things you must do to improve it.

You write your first e-zine, but being your own harshest critic you know it stands improvement so you delay publicising it and getting subscribers until it is just right.

It has now been a year or more since you started and you still haven't made any "real" money.

Your early hopes and enthusiasm are being seriously tested. You are losing focus and your desire to carry on, to take action seems low.

If you recognise this person, start withrepparttar 130380 basics, and userepparttar 130381 following four steps to get back on track.

* Go Back To Basics And Answer The Fundamental Question ---------------------------------------------------------

Success as an online marketer starts with a simple belief.

You must believe in yourself, your talents and know your destiny.

It is this belief that will sustain you whenrepparttar 130382 wheels seem to be falling off.

Fromrepparttar 130383 very beginning you must have goals that drive you onwards. Your goals are derived fromrepparttar 130384 answer to this fundamental question.

"What do you want to achieve as an Online Marketer ?"

You must findrepparttar 130385 one answer to this question, that is :

* Simple - Can be explained in three or less short sentences.

* Clear - Well defined, and unambiguous

* Personal - It must satisfy a deep personal desire and you must strongly believe that you will achieve it.

* Set SMART Goals and Plans ----------------------------

Once you haverepparttar 130386 answer, you must set long, medium and short-term goals.

Your short term goals must be detailed and explicit, your longer term goals can be less detailed , but they must all be SMART.

* Specific - Each goal addresses a single, clear issue.

* Measurable - How will achievingrepparttar 130387 goal change anything.

* Achievable - Each goal must stretch your abilities, as you reach for it

* Realistic - Each goal must be rooted in real life which is whyrepparttar 130388 starting point is to findrepparttar 130389 answer above

* Timing - Give yourself deadlines to achieverepparttar 130390 goals

Life on the Front Burner

Written by Louise Morganti Kaelin

How many times in your life have you had to put something 'onrepparttar back burner', letting an idea or a project simmer inrepparttar 130372 background while you focused on something else? How often wererepparttar 130373 things that went onrepparttar 130374 back burner your personal hopes, dreams or needs while you concentrated on repparttar 130375 hopes, dreams or needs of someone else? There is nothing wrong with that decision and in some cases it can be admirable. However, it's not commendable if your personal needs never come torepparttar 130376 fore-front.

Duringrepparttar 130377 safety instructions on an airplane, we are instructed to putrepparttar 130378 mask over our own mouth first, and then on our child's. Why? The reason is simple -- if we are knocked unconscious there will be no one to look afterrepparttar 130379 child, putting them at greater risk thanrepparttar 130380 risk they face inrepparttar 130381 few moments it takes to put our own mask on. The wisdom of this is readily apparent once we stop and think about it. It's also good advice to take forward into all areas of our lives.

For many years, I putrepparttar 130382 needs of others first. As I evolved personally, I came to understand that it was okay - healthier, even - to put my needs equal torepparttar 130383 needs of others. In fact, it is how I now definerepparttar 130384 word 'selfish', and userepparttar 130385 term 'self-centered' for someone determined to live as thoughrepparttar 130386 world revolves around them.

Even with that advanced understanding, however, I still didn't take care of myself as much as I needed. That included delaying doctors' appointments or working pastrepparttar 130387 exhaustion point because someone else needed me (or I thought they did). Even though I felt my needs were equal to repparttar 130388 needs of others,repparttar 130389 reality is that 90% ofrepparttar 130390 time I still opted to take care of others before myself. This isn't bad, either, because forrepparttar 130391 most part these were conscious choices I made. Unfortunately, there has been a physical and emotional cost that becomes harder and harder to bounce back from.

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