How To Be "Local To The Locals" And Make More Sales

Written by Charles Kangethe

How To Be "Local To The Locals" And Make More Sales ----------------------------------------------------

(c) 2004 Charles Kangethe -------------------------

Here's a really simple way... to customise your product offer fromrepparttar headline torepparttar 120534 prices in order to suit local tastes.

We all know people do business with people they "know and trust". So how can you convince shoppers half way acrossrepparttar 120535 world that you are reliable and someone they should do business with ?

What I am about to show you will make your business "Local torepparttar 120536 Locals", wherever inrepparttar 120537 World they might be.

Step #1 - What Is A Split Test ------------------------------

Split testing is a vital task for any Online Business.

By testing different headlines, captions, graphics, copy and prices you can gradually point your business towards better conversion rates.

A basic split test adheres to these guidelines.

1) You start with a base sales page - This is calledrepparttar 120538 "Control"

2) Set up a new page for each component you want to test.

For instance set up a new page where everything isrepparttar 120539 same as "Control" exceptrepparttar 120540 Headline. Test various components such as price, ad copy and bonuses, each with its own page.

3) Using software, setrepparttar 120541 test criteria in terms of how long you wantrepparttar 120542 test to run or alternatively setrepparttar 120543 number of visitors you want to visit each page.

Duringrepparttar 120544 testrepparttar 120545 Ad tracker will recordrepparttar 120546 statistics, and you can tell which page convertedrepparttar 120547 most.

For future tests, that page can then become "Control" as you change another component.

Step #2 - A Shortcoming Of Many Split Tests. --------------------------------------------

Your Online Business has a big advantage over local Bricks and Mortar businesses.

Your marketplace is Global.

However, this is also a weakness.

Despiterepparttar 120548 shrinking ofrepparttar 120549 World, depending on what you sell, people still feel more comfortable doing business with "Local" companies.

Until now...

If you could tell which specific region converted best for your product offer, you could concentrate your offers there instead of wasting advertising money trying to capture a huge unresponsive Global Market.

Step #3 - Breakdown Your Marketplace Into Regions. --------------------------------------------------

Deciderepparttar 120550 level to which you want to breakdown your global market place.

Depending on your knowledge ofrepparttar 120551 World andrepparttar 120552 type of product you sell, you may want to target sales at a country level.

For more specific products you may feel a regional approach within each country is best.

Finally for some offers you may want to target people in specific named cities within a region in a country.

Once you have decided on your breakdown you need to set up your sales pages.

Step #4 - Set Up Test Pages ---------------------------

If you have decided to track sales atrepparttar 120553 lowest level, then you will need a page forrepparttar 120554 country,repparttar 120555 region andrepparttar 120556 city in addition to "Control"

For each regional page, change your product offer so that it appeals torepparttar 120557 people of that region.

How To Ethically Sell To Your Prospect, Even If They Say No.

Written by Charles Kangethe

How To Ethically Sell To Your Prospect, Even If They Say No. -------------------------------------------------------------

(c) 2004 Charles Kangethe

What you are about to read... is a closing technique I learnt many years ago whilst working as a sales rep.

Too many marketers let go onrepparttar first no.

If you really believe inrepparttar 120533 value and benefit of your product or service to your prospect, then you need to learn about "Pre-emptive Marketing."

Tip #1 - Learn To Differentiate Prospects -----------------------------------------

There are three groups of prospect

1) Those to whom you will never sell because they have no need for your product or service. - Vast majority

2) Those to whom you might sell, if only you can overcome initial objections. - Majority ofrepparttar 120534 rest.

3) Those to whom you sell automatically, because of your reputation andrepparttar 120535 quality of your products and services. Very small minority.

Your marketing should focus onrepparttar 120536 second group. There is nothing you can do aboutrepparttar 120537 first andrepparttar 120538 third largely take care of themselves.

Once you understand this you will be less fearful of alienating prospects which isrepparttar 120539 reason most marketers give up on a sale too soon.

Tip #2 - Why Do Prospects Not Buy From You ? --------------------------------------------

There are four broad reasons why prospects will not buy from you.

* Money - The product is priced too high, or too low either in absolute terms or in comparison torepparttar 120540 competition.

* Functionality - The product has too much functionality or too little. Inrepparttar 120541 first case it is too complex or complicated to operate inrepparttar 120542 second it provides little benefit torepparttar 120543 prospect.

* Timing - Your prospect has just bought a competitors product, or they are just window shopping in anticipation of a future purchase.

* Competition - Your competition has a powerful brand presence inrepparttar 120544 market place that makes it difficult for you to compete.

Tip #3 - What Is Pre-Emptive Marketing ? ----------------------------------------

In order to apply Pre-emptive Marketing Tactics go through these stages.

Phase 1 - Understand your prospect in detail. What motivates them ? What are their problems and issues ? What solutions are they looking for ? What value do they place onrepparttar 120545 solution ?

Phase 2 - Brainstorm ALL of your prospect's possible purchasing objections. Userepparttar 120546 objection groups in step #2 to help you.

Phase 3 - For each objection, decide on credible and persuasive responses.

Phase 4 - Using pop-up technology and / or autoresponders deliverrepparttar 120547 responses to prospects who did not click on "Buy Now" after reading your copy.

Tip #4 - Examples Of Credible Responses ---------------------------------------

Here are some example Credible Responses to Frequent Purchasing Objections

* Too Expensive

- Ask your prospect to make you an offer - If your product has sunk costs that you have covered, then any offer is probably acceptable. If you still need to coverrepparttar 120548 production costs, giverepparttar 120549 prospect a floor price you are willing to accept and ask them to bid, aboverepparttar 120550 floor.

* Too Cheap

- Tell your prospect they can haverepparttar 120551 product at a discount torepparttar 120552 already cheap price ! If they likerepparttar 120553 product then they can send another payment for what they thinkrepparttar 120554 product is really worth.

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