How To Be An Infopreneur

Written by Albin Dittli

Remember when you were young and knew something that your brother or sister really wanted to know. Perhaps it was help with homework, or something you knew about one of their friends. They kept trying to get you to tell them. Finally you told them that you would tell them if they gave you a candy bar. You gotrepparttar candy bar and they gotrepparttar 117207 information that you knew. At that point you became an infopreneur.

An infopreneur is someone that sells information. The information can be inrepparttar 117208 form of a book, article, ebook, software, CD, or video. There is no limit onrepparttar 117209 type of information you could be selling. It could be grandma's favorite Thanksgiving cranberry bread recipe. It could be a story. It could be information to help someone to be successful in business, or to save time, or to have a better life. Your resourcefulness and imagination are your limitations.

Of course, you can be an infopreneur on line or off line. Lets limit ourselves in this discussion to selling information online. In doing so we will limitrepparttar 117210 information format to something that can be delivered electronically, such as software, ebooks, video files, and audio files.

There are four main sources that you can use to get information products to sell online.

You can create your own product. Probablyrepparttar 117211 easiest to do is to write an ebook. You can do this on a word processor then generate it using a PDF generator. This will allow people to read it with a free adobe acrobat reader. There are several good free or low cost PDF generators available. If you are a programmer you can write a software program.

The advantage of creating your own product is that it is yours. You own it and control it. You can continue to make money with it for a long time. You can later modify it and sell upgrades to your original customers. The disadvantage is that it takes time to createrepparttar 117212 product. A software program can take an especially long time to create and test.

The second method is related torepparttar 117213 first. It is to find someone that has already created a product, but is not marketing it. Perhaps they don't have time or don't know how to market it. In this situation you could work out a joint venture with them where you receive rights to marketrepparttar 117214 products and give them royalties. These deals are not always easy to find, however when you do find one it can be very rewarding.

The third method is to become an affiliate. There are thousands of affiliate programs onrepparttar 117215 Internet. There are several thousand available throughrepparttar 117216 ClickBank marketplace. If you use any start page exchanges you will soon find many others. The trick is to choose a good program. Commission rates can very from 10% to 75%. The products can vary from mediocre to excellent.

The advantage of an affiliate program is that you can be up and running with it in just a few minutes. Most give you a site to promote. Many give you banners and pre-written ads to help you.

Most affiliate programs are free to join, so you are getting a product to sell at no cost.

The fourth way to obtain information products to sell is to buy resell rights to a product. This could be costly. It can also be very profitable.

Often when you buy resell rights you are givenrepparttar 117217 code for a sales page forrepparttar 117218 product. If you already have a domain you can park this new site there, otherwise you can use one ofrepparttar 117219 many free hosting services. You are at liberty to changerepparttar 117220 sales web site in any way you want. You can make it look different fromrepparttar 117221 web sites of allrepparttar 117222 other people that bought resell rights. Make it unique and add your personality to it.

"I once feared the Internet"

Written by Ralph Almeida

By Ralph Almeida I always envied entrepreneurs who were making their fortune onrepparttar internet. After allrepparttar 117206 internet has created more millionaires than any other vessel in history, and I longed to be part of this elite group. While I considered myself computer literate, all this html code gibberish left me feeling totally inadequate and afraid to pursue my dream. This little word called "fear" had held me back from becoming a millionaire ten years ago. One day as I upgraded my personal computer I came across a website building software, and beingrepparttar 117207 curious type of person that I am - I decided to play around with it. Much to my amazement, this software required nothing more than some simple cut and paste skills. Within a few hours I had a one page website built. Because of technological software advances these days, building a website has become almost as easy as typing a letter. Next, I decided to do some reading onrepparttar 117208 internet and find out what steps that I needed to take to actually get this website published onrepparttar 117209 internet. I soon found out that every website needed a "domain name", which isrepparttar 117210 actual website address that people will type into their browser or search engine to find your website. The domain name that I choose for my website was: When directing visitors to my website, I give them this address: Purchasing a domain name can be very inexpensive. Domain names can be purchased from for as little as $5.00 a year. (I am in no way affiliated with godaddy, but I find their services very economical.) Next, I learned thatrepparttar 117211 final step that I would need to take was finding someone to "host" my website. This entails using their servers to upload your site torepparttar 117212 internet. Again, I foundrepparttar 117213 hosting prices at godaddy to be very economical also. You can get your site hosted for about $5-$8.00 monthly.

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