How To Be A Big Fat Loser

Written by Thom King

Now that we are well intorepparttar new year and we have all failed on our New Years resolution to lose that weight, it is time to stop feeling like a big fat loser and become one by losing allrepparttar 112904 fat you gained. And I am here to tell you how to do it in seven easy to follow steps.

1) Cut allrepparttar 112905 sugar out of your diet 2) Reducerepparttar 112906 size of your portions 3) Always eat breakfast. 4) Never let yourself go hungry, it slows down your metabolism 5) Never eat after 8 pm. 6) Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water everyday 7) Get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day

It is just that easy. It takes a little discipline and some support from family and friends but, you can lose as much weight as you want to over time.

First and foremost I would like to makerepparttar 112907 point that weight loss is created inrepparttar 112908 kitchen notrepparttar 112909 gym. So, we need to stop eating foods that are putting weight on us and start eating foods that will help us shed pounds.

Sugar isrepparttar 112910 number one culprit for adding body fat and keeping body fat on. You can replace sugar with Steviva Brand Stevia Blend, it measures and pours exactly like sugar it is all natural and has no calories or carbohydrates.

You will need to monitorrepparttar 112911 carbohydrate content of your diet and make some adjustments. Carbs are burned byrepparttar 112912 body to produce energy. Any carbs that are not burned off from exercise or activity will be stored as body fat by your body. And we don’t want that. You should not eat any high glycemic carbs after 7 pm and eat only protein foods or vegetables. And never eat anything after 8 pm.

It is also important consume an adequate amount of high protein foods in order to build and maintain lean muscle while unloading that unwanted body fat. But make sure you balance this protein with plenty of green leafy vegetables because when people start consuming too much proteinrepparttar 112913 extra protein can become a stressful stimulus forrepparttar 112914 kidneys. This is even more of a concern as we get older and our organs are less efficient and effective.

I really can't emphasize enough how important it is to increase your water intake as you increase your proteins. Your liver and kidneys will thank you. Plusrepparttar 112915 added water will help you loserepparttar 112916 weight much faster

What I suggest is addingrepparttar 112917 juice of half a lemon to 32 ounces of water with a sprinkle of Steviva Brand Stevia Powder. Aside from being less than 2 carbs, you will getrepparttar 112918 health benefits thatrepparttar 112919 stevia provides along withrepparttar 112920 vitamin C and electrolytes that lemon have. You can substitute limes for lemons if you get bored.

Five Ways to Fit Fitness Into Your Life

Written by Sylvie Charrier

It is extremely important to select an exercise program that will be well-suited to your lifestyle. If you have to drive 25 miles in rush hour traffic torepparttar nearest pool, a swimming routine might not be your first pick. Find an exercise program that you like - shop around, try out various sports and programs. Only you can really determine if a given exercise plan is right for your tastes. Inrepparttar 112903 end,repparttar 112904 key to any exercise plan is obvious: For it to "work", you have to stick to it. And, to stick to it, most people need to find some satisfaction in what they're doing. Go out and find some exercise fun!


The Buddy System: Exercise Made Easy


Find a partner to exercise with you. Having an exercise buddy will not only keep you motivated, it will also help you push yourself to becoming better and better. Your partner will inspire you to get out of bed on those cold mornings when you’re feeling lazy, and will share in your excitement when you've reached a milestone on your path to achieving your health goals. In addition, a partner will allow you to discuss your fears or frustrations, too. Find a partner and commit to making positive change in your life today.


Elevator Out of Order: Userepparttar 112905 Stairs


Whenever you can, userepparttar 112906 stairs instead ofrepparttar 112907 elevator. Elevators may be convenient, but they also make us lazy. There are so many opportunities in your daily life where you can choose to either be lazy or motivated to move. Doing a stair workout shows that your dedicated to achieving your diet and fitness goal. You will actually give your body a surprisingly good workout just by walking up and down stairs. If you focus your attention when climbing or descending, you can isolaterepparttar 112908 affected muscles groups (e.g., calves, quadriceps, gluteus, hamstring) and produce a stellar workout for yourself.

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